Start from the beginning

Blue's pov..

As Dream arrived i felt a rush of panic. No. No no no!! He can't be here! He can't! I don't wanna go back!! I think but there was nothing i could do. I was tied up and i couldn't run. I didn't know what i wanted to do with Error but i DEFINITELY didn't wanna go back to Dream and Ink!

As i was shoved through the portal i tripped and fell into Ink's arms, who caught me. I heard the portal close behind Dream and i tried to get out of Ink's arms. "Shhh it's ok. You're safe now." Dream says comfortingly as he hugs me. Ink smiled and joined the hug. "N-no please-" I start but they don't pay any mind to me. "Oh! Did he tie you up? That cretin!! He has no clue how to take care of a child." Ink says as he shakes his head and clicks his tongue as he untied me.

"There! Come on dear let's get you cleaned up." Ink says as he pats my head lovingly. Ink picks me up and takes me to the bathroom. "No stop!! Please! I'm not a child!! I'm not your child!!" I shout as i squirm and struggle. "Blueberry hun stop squirming you're gonna hurt yourself!" Dream says but i didn't care. I just wanted out of their grip.

Ink sighed softly as his grip suddenly got really tight like iron, I whimper from the small pain he gave me. I tried struggling but I just couldn't then my eyes began to tear up. "P-please..I-I don't wanna be here.." I said and Dream just wiped my tears away.

Ink filled up the bath with some warm water once it was filled he set me down still holding my "Alright can I trust you to take off your clothes and not run?" He asked me and I nodded softly as he let me go I crossed my arms slightly as their eyes never left me. "I-I don't feel comfortable with you staring at me..may you leave so I can bathe myself?" I asked

Dream smiled softly. "Unfortunately we can't there's a window up there big enough for you to fit through.." Dream said and I whimpered softly. "Please I'm uncomfortable.." I mumbled but after seeing that they wouldn't budge I slowly began to take off my clothes tears messing up my vision once I was undressed I quickly went into the water so they couldn't see my body.

Dream sighed happily before he looked at Ink. "Hey dear may you go prepare our defenses? Error will try to kidnap Blue again.." He asked and Ink nodded before leaving me and Dream were alone. "Dream I wanna go home and see my brother.." I whimpered but he didn't listen as he began to wash me up.

"You're lucky I saved you Blue..who knows what he could have done..don't worry though mama Dream is here.." He cooed i just sat there letting him wash me as I shut my eyes sighing in content.

Eventually it was over and I got out and I dried off and got some pajamas on. "Since you've been good I will let you sleep in your own room.." Dream purred softly and I nodded as I went to go in my room but he stopped me. "Not that room silly!" Dream says as he chuckles. "Huh? What room do i have to go in then..?" I ask softly

"Hmm, come along!" Ink says as he grabs Blue's hand softly and brings him to a door in the kitchen. As he opened it i looked down the long dark stairs and backed away as i shook my head nervously. "Th-the basement?! N-no it's scary down there!!" I shout as i try to run but Dream catches me into a hug, lifting me up and holding me like a kid. "Hey, hey, shhh.. It's ok Blue. There's nothing scary down there i promise! There's a nice warm bed and even a TV!" Dream says soothingly I hesitate and look at the door "W-what if I need to use the bathroom?" I asked and Dream smiled more. "The door will be unlocked I mean what are you gonna do? Open a portal or teleport away.." Dream chuckled softly and I looked away in embarrassment he was teasing how weak I was compared to them.

All I've ever wanted... Yandere Error x Blueberry Where stories live. Discover now