Chapter 2

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Levi was a classic example of the cold-mysterious-popular-boy type. He rarely turned up to class, and when he did, he never said much. He was quiet and reserved, but always seemed to stand out rather than blend in.

Somehow, you were afraid of Levi.

Perhaps it was because of his popularity, or the way he was always surrounded by people despite his cold demeanour.

Perhaps it was because he once overheard you snickering to Erwin saying he was 'silent but violent like a fart,' and when you turned to see he was right behind you, your soul nearly left your body.

But maybe, just maybe, it was because you had always desired to know more about the boy named Levi.

The boy no one seemed to know anything about.

He just seemed like a big shiny red button, and, to quote your favourite NoName lyrics, 'red buttons were made to be pressed, you fools.'

Hence why you stood at the doors to the rooftop on your lunch break, instead of your usual spot in the canteen.

You clench your teeth. This had better be worth missing lunch over.

"Judging by that expression Y/N, you must have skipped lunch to talk to Levi." 

Erwin appears, carrying his usual look of intrigue. You take a defensive stance.

"Not like you can talk, Erwin. Since you're here, you must've skipped lunch too." You retort.

"No, Y/N, I came to bring you lunch."

You look scrutinisingly at Erwin's face for any small scrounge of sarcasm. He laughs.

"Don't offend me Y/N. If it's really that hard to believe me then here."

He hands you a cup of warm coffee and a curry bun. It steams in the winter air, and warms your gloved hands.

"Proof." He says finally with a small but smug smile.

"Well..Erwin.." you say between bites of bread, "your proof...seems to be...disappearing quick!"

You expect Erwin to laugh his signature laugh but he merely shrugs.

"Don't skip meals Y/N, and drink the coffee, it's cold outside and it'll keep you warm."

"Fattening me up for the sacrifice are we?" You give Erwin a gentle nudge on the shoulder and he lets out a forced laugh.

You look at him, concerned, but as soon as you're about to say something, he cuts you off, returning to the normal larger-than-life Erwin you were used to.

"Well then, I'll be off, this dictatorship won't run itself. People to sacrifice, nations to conquer and all that." Erwin leaves down the stairs and you wave him goodbye.

Clutching the warm coffee in one hand, and scrunching the curry bun wrapping into your pocket with the other, you open the doors to the rooftop and immediately choke on the smell of cigarette smoke.

"Hey! You're not allowed to smoke on school grounds!" You yell, flapping your hand in front of your face in an attempt to breathe some fresh air.

Levi is leaning comfortably on the wall with one arm folded around his stomach and the other propped against his wrist, holding a cigarette up against his lips with two fingers.

His drowsy lids look at you for a fleeting second before returning to the sky, and he ignores you with a 'if I don't talk, maybe she'll leave' kind of attitude, but this only fuels you more.

"You're gonna want to ash out that cigarette." You say, approaching him.

"Who's asking?" He replies, leaving you stunned by his deep voice.

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