Chapter 1: New Beginnings (Mild NSFW)

Start from the beginning

"Yuji!" Jumi smiled, pulling him in for a tight hug. Terushima hugged her back before they parted, and he diverted his attention to Y/n

"And who is this lovely lady?" He asked, making her blush again

"H-Hello... I'm Jumi's friend..." She muttered.

Terushima eyed her hair, and of course he couldn't help but grab her braid, his fingers trailing her fingers

"Wow! You've got such amazing quality hair! It's so thick!" He was in awe... Y/n was a little awkward, trying to casually pull her braid out of his hands. He noticed but didn't say anything, just grinning

"Nice to meet you! I'm Terushima Yuji, welcome to my salon!" He laughed, draping his arm on Jumi's shoulders. Jumi looked between Y/n and Terushima, grinning

"This is L/n Y/n! She's my bestfriend at work!" Jumi laughed and Y/n tried not to raise a brow

'Best friend... Okay, that's new...' She thought...

"So, what brings you guys here today? Are you here to see your beau, Jum?" Terushima teased, making Jumi blush, hushing him

"Sh-Shut up!"

Y/n raised a brow,

"You have a boyfriend?" She asked and Terushima burst out laughing while Jumi turned red like a tomato

"I do not! I-I came to bring Y/n in for an appointment"

Y/n's brows furrowed in confusion

"An appointment?" She asked but Jumi let out a squeak, hiding behind Terushima when another guy walked in, holding a broom. He seemed very nervous, quietly sweeping the floor and Y/n looked back and forth between them. Terushima grinned,

"Haruto! Jumi's here, come say hi!"

"Yuji!" Jumi whispered/whined

Haruto squeaked, his cheeks were burning, the broom in his hand shaking where he eyed a shy Jumi, he pushed his thick glasses up his face... Y/n realised Jumi had a crush on him, just seeing her shy demeanour made her amused... It was the total opposite from the office... but what surprised her even further was that Haruto was quite ordinary, the total opposite of Saburo...

"H-Hello J-Jumi-san! You look lovely!" He said louder than intended, blushing harder. Jumi laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck

"H-Hi Haruto... Thank you"

Terushima put his hands-on Y/n's shoulders, forcing them to walk away from Jumi and Haruto

"I'm gonna talk to Y/n about her appointment, see you guys!" He grinned, pushing Y/n towards a chair, sitting in front of her

"Sorry Y/n-chan but those two are really... something... Jumi keeps using any excuse to come here to see Haruto, he's my current apprentice! Good kid but very shy..." He muttered glancing at his cousin and employee, struggling to talk to each other...

"Anyways, what can I do for you today? Haircut?" He asked and she hesitated, shaking her head

"I'm not sure why Jumi brought me here... I think it was to see Haruto... Um, I'm not really interested in a haircut or anything..." She muttered and he hummed, leaning forward, making her hold her breath when he gripped her braid again... Terushima's fingers looped into the hair tie, pulling it off the end of her braid

"H-Hey!" She said but he ignored her, opening her hair, eyes widening as he fanned it out

"Whoa, this is the first time, I've met someone with such long hair!" He gushed, his fingers combing through her hair... He rubbed the ends of her hair, humming

Plain Jane  18+(Terushima Yuji X OC) NSFW SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now