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Welcome to Shut Up and Read Book Club Group. We are looking for a few people to come and help us out with promotion and book club duties.

We currently have three vacancies.

Two will be in charge of promoting our book club, so you'll be posting the link to our book club book on your personal Wattpad page or on Discord servers that let you promote clubs, or do whatever you can to help us gain members.

The third one will be in charge of checking the members' comments and seeing if they are writing constructive feedback. 

For this (and all roles in SUAR) it is important that you have access to Wattpad and Discord and that you are active on both. However this is mainly a Wattpad based role so if we find the right person who will communicate with us then we would be prepared to accept them without Discord. As long as they're active on here and communicate with us.

* Name
* Wattpad Username
* Which role are you interested in?
Tag FmEver
* Do you have Discord?
* Are you active on Discord?
* Are you active on Wattpad?
* Do you have any experience?
* How would you promote our group?

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