The Noble House of Black

Start from the beginning

But hearing of how excellent his friend was at magic, despite him being a half-blood, Regulus felt at ease.

"Okay, but we do not tell anyone that I went mingling with your friends, that would be a beating for the both of us" Regulus murmured.

A loud gasp erupted from Madame Walburga Black when Regulus came down for supper. Followed by a smug Sirius and a happy looking Kreacher who was serving the meal.

"YOU!" Walburga shouted pointing her wand at Sirius. "Me?" Sirius said perking his eyebrow up eyeing his mother cheekily. "YOU DID THIS TO MY DAUGHTER!". Sirius barked a dry laugh. "REGULUS is your SON and I didn't do it without HIS permission" Sirius said, making sure to exaggerate each masculine pronoun.

Kreacher tugged on Regulus's sleave and said "You look very handsome, Master Regulus". Regulus patted the House-elfs head, "Thank you Kreacher, it's much appreciated" Regulus said in his aristocratic accent.

"Lyra where has your hair gone?" A gobsmacked Orion Black said entering the room. "I cut it off, I'm a boy now father, my name is Regulus, you always wished for two sons, so I understood what I was to do" Regulus said. He was stood in Sirius's clothes, they were much too big on him, since Sirius had a muscular build as well as the fact that Regulus was slightly shorter than Sirius. Orion smiled at Regulus, "Well then son, I hope you make me proud, I suppose Sirius will take you robe shopping? the only good thing about that boy is his style". Walburga shrieked at her husband.


A smile flashed on the Master Black's face. "Oh but as long as Regulus doesn't take after Sirius and does as we says, the black family name shall continue" Orion said, "We have already established that Sirius would be incapable of doing so, since he is a f-"

"Father that word shouldn't be used, especially in Sirius's company" Regulus said. Sirius smiled a little, it was the first time Regulus had ever stuck up for Sirius.

Orion sighed, "Of course, since Sirius is the oddity of our family" Orion said continuing his speech about how Regulus is more than capable to take after the family ways.

A searing noise echoed from the tapestry room, Sirius dragged Regulus to see what had happened. The name:

Lyra Walburga Black

disappeared and in it's place, was a picture of a boy, with

Regulus Arcturus Black

In its place.

Walburga screamed at the sight. "It's official now mother, you have two sons" Sirius said in a mocking tone.

Walburga lifted her wand, "CRUCIO!"

Sirius fell to the floor, a smile on his face. The curse had been directed at Regulus. But once again, Sirius protected his brother.

Regulus looked at Kreacher who grabbed Sirius by his hand and apparated to the eldest Black sons room. "Mother, please, do not punish Sirius, he was just being supportive and a good sibling" Regulus said as he walked out of the room and up the large staircase to Sirius's room.

Kreacher stood at the door and bowed his head to Regulus. "How is he?". Kreacher shrugged. Regulus could have guessed that the House-elf would not have actually checked on him. He only got Sirius out of the room because Regulus had asked him to.

Sirius lay on his head groaning in pain. "You get to make friends tomorrow" Sirius said as he turned his head.

Regulus nodded. "You'll most likely get put in Slytherin, or Ravenclaw, you're smart enough for that house" Sirius said. Regulus smiled, "Sorry, one of us has to continue the family legacy, I'm quite cunning when I wish to be".

"We'll just have to see, Toujours Pur et très beau (Always pure and very handsome/masculine beauty) Regulus" Sirius said, he hated French, but it was easier sometimes, when he wished to compliment someone, it sounded genuine. And Regulus knew that, it made him feel a lot better than he did before.

"Merci Sirius, it means a lot"

"Go to bed Reggie, got a long day ahead of us tomorrow" Sirius said. As if on cue, Regulus yawned and rubbed his eyes. "And you're probably exhausted from all the hair cutting and crying" Sirius said. "I do NOT cry" Regulus said crossing his arms over his chest, but then grimacing as he felt the forming breasts. "Disgusting" Regulus spat at himself looking down. "It's alright Reg, they'll be gone tomorrow" Sirius said before waving his hand to shoo him out of the room.


Hello,welcome to the story of Regulus Black, before death obviously.

His version of the life he and Sirius had. The truth about the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

the names Taylor ;)
I'll be seeing you lot in the next update(if anyone reads this lmao)

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