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“ So! my so call brothers are in foster care too.” said Sam strolling behind phoenix.

Without looking back at Sam, Phoenix said” yes and no. Only one of them is in the foster system and the two are adopted.”

“ Are they younger than me?” Sam question

“No, but you were all born together.” Phoenix answered.

“ you mean to tell me that I’m a quadruplet.” Sam said

Sam couldn’t believe that he is a quadruplet. He has always felt like a part of him was missing. Thinking that it because he doesn’t have any real sibling  bond. As Phoenix puts put a stop to his walk, Sam does the same while Phoenix knocks on the door.

The house that Phoenix take sam by was huge. It is like a mansion with waterfall builds Outside the house. The family that live here seem rich. Sam and Phoenix waited for quite some time before the door opened. An old lady opens the door smiling. she has a big glasses on her eyes. A black long dress that reaches her kneel and a white half apron hang on her waist, gives a hind that she a maid.” Hello, how can I help you” said the women

“ I’m here to pick up my little brother Finn.” Phoenix answered

“ so you are the one that adopting him.” She then narrow her eyes on the tall man before adding “ you know River is very smart boy, since the family adopted Finn 9 years ago, both the family and him never seem so happy.” She signs sadly” why is now you come here?”

“ I came for my brother and to answer your why, well I have good intention for showing up now.” Phoenix explained.

Sam was in the back of Phoenix watching the interaction between the two people. During the talk, up until the end Sam been rolling his eyes.

He would be the happiest when he meet real his parents Sam thought.

“ I be right back.” Said the woman closing the door in front of her.
Moment later, A boy open the door. He has the same eye color as sam. He is tall as phoenix, maybe an inch shorter but he more muscular then phoenix. Sam wonder if the boy has been working out since he was a baby. Sam looked like his age, 12 year old boy, but the boy that open the door, Sam can’t believe he 12. He looks like an 18 year old already hit Puberty heading off to university.

The boy looks at the two people in front of him and holds out his hand. Phoenix react immediately and extend his hand to meet the boy's hand shaking it.” My name is  River.”  River said.

“ it nice to finally meet you again River. I’m Phoenix your older brother and the boy behind me is Sam, one out of your two quadruplets.” Phoenix said still shaking the boy's hand.

River looked at the boy to the back with wide eyes. But Sam roll his eyes at him which snap him out of his shook state.

“I’m a quadruplet” River asked the tall man in front of him.

“ duh, look at me. I look just like you I’m not a ghost.” said Sam harshly to the other boy before Phoenix can say anything.

Sam watched as the car parked by the huge house. When he car stopped, he got out of the car and make his way in front of the house.

It looks like the owner of the house was waiting on them because when Phoenix goes to knock on the door, it open.” Hey, my name is Charlie and you much be the one who is adopting my boy.” Charlie said

Phoenix ask “yes” to the women. The woman gesture her hand to something inside the house. “He    coming down now.” Charlie looked at the tall man adding “  I love my boy very much when I first saw him,  I fall in love with his smile and personality. Don’t break my boy heart” the women warn the man looking death in his eyes.

“ Madam I can assure you that wouldn’t happen” Phoenix said to the women, the same time the boy walk out of the house.

Since Phoenix started driving the car, the finn has been throwing quick glance his way. “what” Sam finally asked him getting annoy.

“Uh.. Well still I met you, you haven’t talk must. Uh I been curious of.. “ finn stutter out feeling nervous in the two boys presence.

“ we are quadruple” Sam interjected ignoring his stuttering.

“Wow that awesome!” finn beamed looking at sam. Sam just turn his head to the widow, don’t they get the  hint that, he doesn’t wants to be bother. The boys continue to chatting with each other giving a sad glance to sam now and then.

Few hours pass before the car was parked. The boys make the way to the foster care system once again. It being back sad memories of time in the system but for Phoenix it bring the memories of their parent dropping off his baby brothers to different foster care systems. Phoenix shivers at the memories, realizing air around him becoming colder.

“I told you on a sad day the temperature get colder but how come on a happy day temperatures smile at me”

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