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Dear Iris,

Thats my code name for you, please dont be offended. I dont want my friends to find out about you, yet.

I know you love Irises. You would probably wonder how did I know?

Well for that fact, you have their fragrance and also you have a diary in which you keep writing god knows what, with a floral print of Irises on it. I sometimes wonder what's in that diary, you always write it no katter what, whether you are happy or sad or ill. Wish I could get through it once.

So, Iris, if you remember I talked to you a few weeks ago about a girl I love so much. She is from different house and we are not even friends, but still I have grown to love that girl more than anything I could.

That girl is you.

I love you Iris.

I wanted to say this in person and but I cant, I couldnt after I found you crying on our graduation day. You loved James.

Who wouldn't? He is handsome, smart, great at quidditch, loyal as hell. I have no such qualities but I could assure you of one thing, I'll match his loyalty level. Its only you for me or nobody.

To be honest, It really broke my heart the second when I firstly found you crying, I was on my way to admit my feelings for you, I asked Hagrid to get me the most beautiful Irises of the world, I was so excited and so nervous to tell you that i was in love with you but that was not the right moment. And soon you admitted that you loved James.

I didnt know what to do of those Irises anymore.

Maybe it was meant to be that way.

I didnt know what got upon me and I told James that I loved YOU, he was really shocked. And just on our train ride back to our homes he told me to write you this letter telling you everything about my feelings.

I hope its not too late.

I love you Iris G.

Remus John Lupin.

I'll be waiting forever for your reply.

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