Love You

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His hands would clam up slightly as he stared before the almost angelic human staring back at him. He never understood how you captured his heart so fast, especially since you've been dating for under a 3 months. You both had known each other since you were young and found out you both had mutual crushes, so you decided to give this relationship thing a go. Although he didn't want to rush things between you both, he couldn't stop the words which soon flourished from his mouth. "I love you." He spoke softly as his cheeks would turn a light shade of pink. Crap, what did I do. Shit, I messed this up. He thought to himself as he bit down on his lower lip, hoping you'd return the favor.

You looked at Harry for a few seconds. His head hung low and his captivating smile had faded from his face. Did I hear him right? You'd think momentarily, but before you could rationalize what had just happened, the three simple words escaped from your lips as well, "I love you." You said as you felt your heart begin to pound. Harry warily peered over at you as his blank expression formed into a beautiful smile, even more beautiful than usual. "Wow," He'd said softly as his calloused fingertips ran up your arm. "You have no idea how good it feels to have heard you say that." Your lips formed into a smile as you let out a breathy chuckle before saying, "Trust me, I do. I wish I had said it sooner. I just didn't know how to sa-" Before you could finish your thought, Harry's soft lips had drawn themselves to yours, completely taking your breath away and leaving you wondering what the hell you were rambling about.

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