10 - The Mob Wife (Final)

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"Why not wait for the weather to clear?" War's mama said when Yin was standing outside of the car, ready to go back to Bangkok with War already sitting on the passenger seat. Chiang Mai's sky is dark despite it still being afternoon. The shower started a while ago and seems to be getting worse.

"I'm quite sorry, na luk; it's never my intention to hurt you," Ayane said with regret in her voice. Not realizing that Yin got a whisplash at seeing how similar her manerism is to War.

"Not at all, madam; I'm glad to have been in your care."

"Please call me mae luk, you're also my son," she said, caressing Yin's arm.

"Yes, mae"

"Are you sure you two don't want to spend the night?" Ayane glanced at the sky, now under an umbrella that her underling was holding above her head to shelter her from the rain.

"No way, I've got to get Yin back to Bangkok ASAP," War said. "What about phor, mae? He isn't coming back."

"Your father wants to take it easy here for a few days; you go on ahead," Ayane said with an obvious worry in her eyes as the shower had turned into full-blown rain in a short time. "Prat, drive carefully."

"Yes madam"

"Wahh, it's really coming down," Yin muttered while looking out of the window.

He couldn't make out the trees outside due to the heavy rain. Fortunately, the wipers worked fine, so Prat could still drive despite the rain.

"You can head in to work tomorrow if we reach Bangkok tonight," War said, snuggling into Yin.

"Well, that's true, but if it's getting impossible to drive, let's find a safe shelter, khun Prat."


Yin's worries are absolutely guaranteed because they're currently driving through an unpaved path that's getting muddy because of the rain, and it seems like it's going to flood soon.

"Khun Prat, I think we really should pull over," Yin said as his worries grew seeing the road slowly disappear in a flood.

"I - I agree khun Yin. Let me look for a safe space to pull over." Prat knew this road by heart. It's the only path leading to the Watanabe house, but it's also quite dangerous in heavy rain. A flash flood is a thing here because of the terrain, which is a steep hill on a mountain.

"What is that?" Yin turned to War, who pointed to his left. That's when Yin saw it.

The flash flood on the path caused them to crash into their car. Upon realizing it, his body moved on its own. Yin grabbed his lover, flipped him over so he wasn't near any windows, and before any of them knew it, the flood hit them and sent the car tumbling. Thankfully, it was short, and they managed to stop before getting thrown off the cliff.

"WAKA! ARE YOU OKAY WAKA!" Prat frantically called his young master as he was stuck in the driver's seat.

"I'm okay, Prat, are you okay?" War slowly tried to regain his awareness as best as he could in his position, being hugged so tight by Yin, who had protected him from any impact.

"I'm fine, just stuck, khun Yin? What about him, Waka?"

"Yin's fi-Yin? Oii Yin? Yin??" War realized then something's wrong when he felt Yin slump against him and not responding to his calls.

"What's wrong, Waka? Oh God...KHUN YIN!" Prat managed to find the rear view mirror and saw the situation at the back seat where War and Yin were.

That was when War felt a warm liquid on the palms of the hands that held on to Yin's head. War looked down and saw blood seeping through his fingers. Panic surged through him as he realized Yin was injured. He frantically searched for any signs of what had caused the bleeding. The window near where he was supposed to sit was smashed and had specs of blood in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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