4 - Ratsameerat Mansion

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"Going home?", War said when he noticed Yin putting his clothes back on with cute sleepy voice.

"Yeah, I have work today", Yin said, then chuckled, "Beside, I was basically trespassing. I've done something that a police officer shouldn't have done. So.."

Yesterday, after talking it out, they took their sweet time to hold each other close and just relieved those longing over not seeing each other for almost a week. Then the atmosphere just got incredibly good that War started to get real clingy and Yin just let himself loose. At some point they just started kissing which then turns into a passionate make out session.

As the night grew, Yin got even bolder. Slowly, he lowered War on the bed without breaking the kiss. They broke away for a second so Yin could look at War's face. Like he was searching for something.

"What? getting cold feet?", War whispered, putting his arms over Yin's neck and brought him down. War kissed his ears before whispering "Jump me already Mr. Policeman"

Yin snapped and the rest of the night was so intense that even Yin was surprised at himself. Although a little too fast into their relationship and a first time for Yin to get intimate with a man, Yin made sure he really treated War and treasured him to the best of his abilities. While doing so, he made sure to memorized every nook, every inch of War's slender frame, every desperate gasps and pleads for release coming from his boyfriend's sweet lips and burned them into his memory.

Despite losing a few hours of his sleep, Yin still woke up as fresh as ever. Feeling satiated and happy that he got to experience the peak of love making with someone he truly cherished.

"You're surprisingly good even though it's your first time with a guy", War said, while slowly clinging to Yin again.

"Oh well, y-yeah, thanks I guess"

Yin was trying so hard to resist his boyfriend's obvious attempt to seduce him. He had a work today and he couldn't have the leisure to cuddle or going on another round. But, god, his boyfriend made it so hard to go.

"and here I thought we could go for another round"

There you go, War's direct invitation. Yin forcefully swallowed down his own desire as he put on his jacket and turned around to his still very much naked boyfriend.

"I have work baby, can't stay for too long", Yin said while covering his boyfriend with the blanket.

Yin chuckled seeing his War looking up at him while pouting, "Come over the station later, let's have lunch together, okay?"

"M'kay", War said while finally let Yin go.

"Ah one more thing", Yin said while he walked to the balcony, "You should probably do something about that tree. I climbed up here pretty easily after all. It might be dangerous for you"

War who followed Yin to the balcony while dragging the blanket looked over the tree that grew a little too close to his balcony and nodded to Yin.

"Gimme a kiss"

Yin really need to strengthen his self control because damn, War is really a little beast.

Yin gave a warm kiss on War's forehead and before he could protest he gave another kiss on his lips. Feeling contents the lovers part way with the promise to meet up.

Later in the station, Win was wondering why he felt like something good had happened when War visited to bring some lunch for them.

"There it is the coupley vibe again", Win muttered to himself when he watched Yin and War closely.

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