7 - Parenting a Teenager is Hard

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"The kid's fine but this guy isn't moving"

"Dear God, he's bleeding from his head!"

"Hurry call an ambulance!"

"He must've hit the asphalt, don't move his body!"

Bigboom sat silently outside of ER unit where War was being wheeled in a few hours ago. His mind hasn't stopped playing the memory of that incident and he drowned himself in regret.

"Bigboom!", Yin's voice rung through the hospital wall and relieved bloomed on Bigboom's face seeing his brother ran towards him.

"Hia!", he immediately hugged Yin once the police officer reached him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just scrapped my elbow", Bigboom showed his bandaged upper arm. Yin let out a big sigh of relief knowing nothing seemed really wrong with his brother.

"Where's War?", Yin asked.

Bigboom was close to tears and put his head down, "I'm sorry he's still in there and I don't know how he's doing, it's my fault that phi War... Phi War he..."

"Sorry, any relatives of War Wanarat?", a doctor emerged from the ER unit, cutting the siblings moments. Yin immediately on his side.

"I'm his... friend", it actually pained Yin when he wasn't able to say that they're lovers in this situation.

The doctor was hesitant at first to give out patient's condition to a none relative but he saw Yin still in his police uniform. Yin gained his trust as an agent of law so the doctor decided to release the information

"Khun Wanarat is fine, he suffered a head injury but thankfully, after we ran a test, there's no damage to his brain. But he'll have a rather huge bump after this. He can go home once he regain his consciousness. We've transferred Khun Wanarat to the recovery room next door, you can see him if you want to."

The Wong siblings simultaneously let out a sigh of relief after hearing War's condition and assured he'd be fine.

"Thank you doc", Yin didn't forget to express his gratitude before the doctor went back in the ER unit.

Just as the two brothers were about to see War in his room, Prat came running towards them.

"Waka, where.... is Waka okay?", Prat said while panting after running.

"Don't worry, War is fine, I talked to the doctor earlier. He hit his head and he received some stitches but he will be fine", Yin said slowly while comforting Prat, "Also, thanks to War, my brother is safe and only hurt a little"

Yin pushed Bigboom to his side after his little brother had hid behind him when Prat arrived. Then, with a slight push on his back he encouraged him to speak.

"Uhm, I'm sorry", Bigboom politely wai to Prat, "Because of me, Phi War got hurt, once again I'm sorry"

Prat visibly looking relieved and smiled at the kid. He patted his head and smiled at him, letting him know that all is well.

"I'm just glad everyone will be fine. I'll only get slugged if I blamed you after all", Prat said snickering while Bigboom wondered if mafia gang members were actually that violent.

"Excuse me?", a small voice from a nurse interrupted their time, "The patient is awake"

Yin nodded and the three of them went inside the room to see War still a little bit out of it. Yin approached his bed first and though the doctor said War was fine, he still felt relieved when War recognized him.

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