"Get your head in the game, Lake!" Coach Lawrence shouted to the teen who had yet to make a move to attack, only ever dodging and evading the incoming balls. 

Steve laughed from across the field, ball in hand and being cocky. "If it isn't Lame Lake Jr and Dumbzalski! You better give up now before I bash your faces in!" He threatened to throw the ball at Toby. 

Jim's eyes flew wide just as Steve threw the ball towards his best friend. With a sudden adrenaline spike, his senses heightened, mind running faster than ever as Jim picked up a ball and threw it at the incoming ball that was now mere centimetres from hitting him. 

Toby let out a surprised yelp as he watched the ball Jim threw into the incoming ball collide and divert their course of trajectory. The shorter teen watched as his best friend ran towards the closest ball, picking it up and swiftly hitting their opponents. 

Jim was so swift, so fluid, so agile, as if he had been doing this for years. Was he somehow training? Toby didn't know, but whatever it was was helping Jim to at least be able to protect himself if he ever needed to during a mission. 

Claire, who had been sent to the benches early on in the match willingly, watched how Jim moved. How he caught fast flying balls with ease, outing a couple of the opposing team before throwing to out more of them. She hasn't known Jim for that long but something told her that the smile he was wearing wasn't something the boy often wore when playing games that could potentially hurt others. He didn't seem like that kind of person after all, but this Jim was beaming, practically vibrating in joy. She couldn't understand why, but seeing him have fun while being rough during the game didn't feel wrong at all. 

Soon, the playing field was even. Toby and Jim vs Seamus and Steve. A stand still happened, both teams glaring at each other. Seamus was the first to make a move, throwing a fast ball towards Toby who dodged before throwing a ball towards his offender, managing to hit him in the leg. 

Steve followed after Seamus' attack, sending a ball flying towards Jim with all his strength, grunting from the strain he put his body through with the throw. Jim on the other hand was prepared, managing to catch the ball, turning in a half circle to return the ball with twice as much force as Steve sent his way. However, due to his growing strength, Jim hadn't realised just how much power he packed into the ball until a very audible and painful crack sounded across the gym as the ball collided with the blond's very punchable face. 

A collection of winces and gasps rang around the gymnasium as Coach Lawrence, Strickler and Jim ran over to the fallen boy. All three wincing seeing a few broken teeth, a broken nose and a black eye on the now unconscious blond teen. 

"Sorry…" Jim winced, biting his lower lip to stop himself from whimpering. Steve was one of his friends back in the old timeline and he couldn't help but feel terrible for hurting him like that but right now, Steve probably deserved that ball to the face. 

Strickler drove Jim home that day after a talk with the principal, convincing the old man that it was an accident and that Jim was truly sorry. Luckily for Jim, he only managed to get away with just a few days in detention (which he was thankful for Strickler) and a scolding over the phone from his mom and a week's grounding unless it was Trollhunter business. 

As soon as both Jim and Strickler got into the Lake residence, Jim ran all the way up to the bathroom upstairs, fearing that maybe, just maybe, he had gone a little bit too trollish. 

Quickly removing his mask, Jim examined himself in the mirror, taking note of any changes. And there were a lot. His skin had turned almost completely blue, a few patches of actual stone dotted his skin, his horns were now fully grown no doubt about it, fangs fully sharp and tusks protruding, his eyes were now a very vibrant shade of light blue instead of his human self's sapphire eyes. There was also a slight change in height however paid little mind to it. 

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