Chapter 11

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Two weeks later

"Jaynie! Do you have your bag packed?"

"Yep," I yell back at Andy before picking up the small backpack and hurrying down the stairs.

"Where are we going again?" I ask excitedly, popping up and down on my toes.

"Our parents place in the south," Marx replies for him, coming down the stairs.

I shake my head, smiling.


We soon head out the door and to the black SUV waiting for us. Hopping in the back I throw my backpack to the seat behind me as Andy and Marx climb in the front.

The engine turns on and Andy hits the stereo, Upon this Dawning blasting from the speakers. I laugh as he turns it down a bit. We get on the road and I settle in the seat, the boys chatting about shows and songs in the works.

My phone buzzes. I pull it out of my pocket and with surprise, see it's from Ally.


Hey! How is everything going?!?!?!? I NEEX DEATAILS WOMAN

I stifle a laugh. Marx looks at me queerly through the rearview mirror.

To Allybug:

You got your phone back! <3 but anyways, I got in the door and kissed by Andy then a tour. House is HUGE. Then I wound up falling asleep on his bed, waking up, eating pop tarts then Marx licked my spine. Then the other guys and D\u00e6mons gf came over. She doesn't like me. While everyone was out Marx slammed me against the door. Everyone came back. Jordy had a tantrum. Then we all had pizza. Guys left. Then I walked in on Andy naked in the bathroom after a shower. Got slammed on another door. He apologized a bit later. Sorry that's so long XD

While waiting for her reply, I watched the scenery fly by.





Dead animal.





Allybug :

.-. What.

To Allybug:

It's been quiet since then. Few kisses here and there. The guys are making a new album. But we are on our way to their parents. ^_^

Ally didn't reply.


"Doing ok back there?" Asks Andy, turning off an exit.

I nod.

"Good," he smiles at the mirror. "About 15 minutes left till we get there, okay?"

"Okay," I reply quietly.

"Oh, just a warning," chimes in Marx. "Our mum \/will\/ hug you."

I giggle.

A few minutes later, Andy turns into a gated community, the guard smiling happily as the boys pull up. We are let in and a few lefts later, we pull into the drive of a medium size grey-stone and brick house. Marx hits the horn a few times and a woman with greying blonde hair bolts from the house, tossing an oven mitt into the mulch.

"My babies!" She squeals, squishing Andy in her arms.

"'Ey Mum," he gasps out before she lets go, then crushing Marx. He grins widely.

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