Chapter 10

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I wake up, stretching my muscles slowly. Picking up my bag, i drop it on the bed with a huff.


I pull out my medicine and slippers. Putting on the floppy things, I head to bathroom. The door is open and I step inside. Palming a bit of water in one hand, i pop the pills back; shuddering when one hits my tongue.

Walking out, I hear Marx bedroom door creak open. He stumbles out, blinking slowly. His dark hair is a mess, long fingers shoved in the mousey locks. He looks at me and blinks, lifting his hand out of his hair. Marx waves, hand flopping and lifting to scratch his chest.

Yoshi sweat pants hand low from his hips, toned chest rising and falling as he looks around, deciding to head down the the staircase. I head him stumble and curse before reaching the landing.

A moment later, Andy steps out, yawning. He looks over at me through the bangs having fallen in front of his face.

"Hey," is all he says before walking down the stairs.

They are not morning people, I giggle to myself.

Half sliding down the rail, I catch up the boys as they bang around the kitchen pulling out cereal, bread, jam, and milk.

They grunt at another as they sit down at the small table. Sitting across from them, I watch as they eat slowly, their moods improving. Andy fixes his hair and Marx pulls up his pants.

Andy looks up at me, "Hey, Jaynie, if you're hungry, feel free to help yourself to anything."

He then returns to digging in his bowl with his spoon.

About fifteen minutes passes until the boys are done eating and the kitchen is clean. The three of us are sitting at the table, awkwardly looking around.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask.

The boys shrug and get up. I follow them into the living room where we each sit randomly spaced out. Marx grabs the remote and a controller, simultaneously turning on both. A game screen pops up, Marx getting into it immediately. I watch as he deftly kills everything on the map.

After a few minutes, Andy and I decide to join it. In less than three minutes, Marx has the both of us sitting and staring at our flashing screens.

Nine rounds later, Marx one by a land slide. Andy stands up, walking over to the self of movies.

"Jaynie, pick one: Saw, Pom Poko, The Perks of Being a Wallflower or Jane Eyre?"

"Pom Poko," I reply.

Andy nods, pulling the disk out of the box and inserting it into the DVD player. The movie starts up and Andy chooses for it to have subtitles.

Hours later I am a mass of tears. Marx gives me a tissue.

"That movie is always so sad," I sniffle.

Andy laughs, "Well I'm going to go smoke. Marx, wanna play Jaynie our new song when I get back?"

Marx nods and waves him off. When the door closes, I turn to him.

"Andy smokes?"

"Yup, has for a while. Don't know why though," he replies. "So, how'd you sleep?"

"Really well. I wish I had a bed that nice at home, mine sucks."

He laughs, "I'd say you could take it with you but flying it back might be a bit hard."

I laugh too, "Yeah that would be hard."

He's silent for a moment.

"Just because I'm not as attentive as Andy, doesn't mean I'm not a nice guy."

The comment takes ne off guard.

He continues, "Andy's like that cause of Ren\u00e9. Her death made him softer. He notices things more. Me? It takes some time but when I notice, it's automatically stored in my head. Eh, though maybe I'm just bad with women. I could understand if you like him more, seeing as you're closer to him."

"I...I... I like you both," I stammer.

He nods, "I know."

Andy comes back in, motioning Marx up the stairs. A few minutes later, they come back down with two guitars. The boys pull over two stools I hadn't noticed before an begin to play.

The song is beautiful, sweet notes float from the strings as Andy starts to sing. I close my eyes, imagining the two of them playing on stage, debuting the song.

When it ends, I open my eyes and clap. The twins bow slightly, smiling.

"It's beautiful, what are you going to call it?"

"We haven't decided yet," Andy looks at Marx who shrugs. They start playing another song, more like what they usually play: hard and heavy with a few soft spots.

This goes on till rays start shining in through the window. Andy is the first to put his guitar down.

"Wanna go for a swim?"

I nod excitedly and rush upstairs to change into my orange two piece. After struggling to tie it on, I go back downstairs and out the door. Andy cannonballs into the pool, sending out a giant splash radius.

"Andy!" I squeal before jumping in. Coming back up, the two of us look over at a soaking wet Marx, glaring from under his hair. Andy and I laugh.

Swimming over I grab his hand, pulling him into the pool with a loud splash.

"Oh no you didn't," he yells as I swim away. Rasberrying at him, I swim under Marx, just before he grabs me.

A game of tag ensues with Marx or Andy staying "it" for most of the time. After the sun goes down, the three of us float in the water, occasionally splashing one of the other two. Soon though, we have to get out, our skin pruning. Dripping water into the house, we grab goals from the bathroom, water pooling around our feet.

Andy slips and lands on his butt. Cursing, he tries to stand, only to fall again. It takes both Marx and I to get him up, the three of us laughing so hard we're in pain.

Heading into our room, we dry off and change, meeting up in front of my room.

"I'm hungry," whines Marx.

My stomach growls, "Me too."

The three of us head to the SUV, getting in and driving aimlessly until we arrive at an Indian restaurant. Each of us ordering different food, we turn it into finger food, eating it with Naan.

Andy pays and we head home, stuffed, and with leftovers.

Saying our goodnights, we head to our rooms, exhausted.

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