~•Chapter19|Time skip|•~

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It's been a year and lots of things happened the Tokyo manji gang was created and Mikey introduced them to you along with Baji,Byakko also grew bigger...now having 58 members you also decided that you'll create a secret council along with your siblings since they know you have magic and know your part of a gang but your parents don't it's still a secret between your parents only your siblings know

Mikey is now 13 along with Baji and Emma now goes to school and gets treated nicely because of the kids knowing she's friends with you
You also grew close to Kazutora
Being the one to calm him down
and the shoulder he could cry on
about his parents.....

You also hangout with the black dragons and the hitani's on weekends, sometimes and ran would cling onto you with his brother dragging him
off of you and apologizing for his brothers clingy behavior also lecturing his brother

Your also the one top student of the school although your a bit lazy on it you still get perfect score cause well... you already know the answer and you also met some new people,Izana is also no longer on the orphanage but still does visit you sometimes along with Kakucho with the both of you

And this is the year that Akane will get die and also Shinichiro...my sister Yumi also took cram school and told me she may two nice friends and I smiled not knowing who it was

After saving Shinichiro he was now ok but Kazutora still blamed it on Mikey cause he hit me with the tool
but I was still awake just a bit dizzy

"Y/n-chan!?"Kazutora called out trembling at what he did he just hit the girl he liked,the one who was always there for him, the one who made him feel warmth

"Y/n!"both Baji and Shinichiro said as they both rushed towards me worried
Baji had tears on his eyes I then opened my eyes "Shin-kun..I'm fine.."
I weakly said with a smile

"No your not! your bleeding!" Shinichiro said as I heard Kazutora mumbled "it's all Mikey's fault..."and Baji snapping at him I then stood up and went closer to him and hugged him as he the tensed "y/n-chan...."he said as I then placed my hands behind his head hugging him close

"Shhhh.... it's no ones fault..you didn't know so don't blame yourself ok?..."I said as he let out tears my vision then got blurry but before I lost my consciousness I said "Baji always be with Kazutora alright?...I don't want you guys to separate because of this.."
And then everything went black I heard faint voices of them trying to wake me up and the sound of sirens..........

I woke up in the hospital just a few days after and I remembered that I told my butler to give money to Inui's parents for his sisters surgery and when they thanked my butler and asked on who gave it to them and ordered him to give them such a huge amount of money for their daughter

And my butler just said it was from our young miss Y/n Takashima and the surgery was a success all though Akane still states on the hospital but gets special treatment because of the money I sent to the hospital

When I woke up I quickly used some of my magic to heal faster so I can quickly leave the hospital

I was then visited the next day by all of my friends including my gang members worrying and scolding me cause of the incident whil Mikey and the others was mad and disappointed on Kazutora and I assure them I was fine and told them not to blame him

After getting released from the hospital my parents told me that they have to go to America and asked if I wanted to go with them but I declined
....so only I was left in the mansion I told a made that if someone comes just tell them I left along with my family to America,and that they don't know when 'we' will return

And I took the opportunity to take care of the gang and make rules and official uniforms I stayed in my room sometimes but I also sometimes go to the castle to think of things and write thing down about gang matters

And also sketched the uniforms I wanted to my drawing book and placed bookmarks on each type of
uniforms for the gang members to wear according to there position

And created it with magic and folded it neatly and placed them neatly on the side of the discussion room and
The very next day called a meeting with everyone and talking about growing and stuff also talking about recruiting more members

Since we only had little most of the talking was done by Hiroki as Kai and Keiko explained for them to understand more easily

After the meeting me and the others then head to the private meeting room talking about the uniforms

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