~•Chapter7 |Training with the black dragons|•~

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I then bowed and said
"its a pleasure to meet all of you
Aka-kun,Keizo-kun,Waka-kun"and smiled

•Your pov•

They stare at me in awe while Waka-kun stared blankly at me,the two then smiled back then Keizo-kun said

"you were right she is a cute little angel"he then walked towards me and patted my head

I looked up at him and smiled
"Yeah"Aka-kun agreed as he stared at me
"Hey shin how old is she?"Aka-kun asked
"She's 7years old"Shin-kun answered

"Soo she's older than senju."Aka-kun said
"Yeah"said the guy with a lolipop looking at me with his bored eyes

"Who's senju?"I asked {obviously I know already}I thought while snickering in my head

Keizo-kun looked at me and answered
"Senju's his sibling"he said i then nodded

Waka-kun looked at me and said
"I heard you can fight?"

I nodded in response
"How strong are you"he asked as
he walked slowly towards me
"Just a bit"I answered

Shin raised his brows and said "a bit?"I looked at him with questioning eyes
"You destroyed your training room last time!"he said loudly

The others looked at him with questioning gazes

"What do you mean?"Akashi asked
"She got mad when she heard someone called Emma ugly and she made the wall collapse and break to pieces!!"


•Your pov•

I did warm ups in the training room as I waited for Emma and Grandpa Sano

I then heard the door open and saw Emma
With a sad face like she was about to cry
I looked at her

"What's wrong?"I asked in worry
She then walked towards me and asked
"Y/n-chan am I ugly?..." As tears rolled down her eyes

I stared at her in shock {huh?!}I thought
I then held her shoulders "who told you that?!"I asked obviously mad

"A-g-girl in cla-ss sai-d so.."Emma said as she continues to cry {how dare she!}I thought I then let her go and called for a maid to calm her down and get her anything she wanted

When they left I clenched my fist
And punched the wall it then cracked as I continuesly punched it to let out my anger
"How dare she!"I yelled in frustration
"Emma is pretty, who ever said that I'll ruin there face!"I said loudly as I clenched my fist harder letting my anger out the crack on the wall then widened it made a hole and slowly collapsed

"Oh sh*t.."I mumbled as I looked at the wall
I then heard footsteps running toward the room "what happened!?"I heard someone said and so i turned around and saw shin with wide eyes and he looked at me

"Y/n?"he said and looked around the room he saw the broken wall that collapsed and broke into pieces

"Did she do all this!?"Shinichiro-kun mumbled under his breath in shock of how strong the girl Infront of him was

"How did the wall collapse?"he asked as he walked towards me in worry

"I punched it cause I got mad that someone called Emma-chan ugly..."I mumbled for him to hear

"You punched it??!"he said in surprise
I nodded

soon the maids went inside the room to clean it up and I told my parents about what happened

|End of flash back|

•Their person pov•

"She broke a wall?!!"Benkei said in surprise
{How strong is this kid!}he said in his mind

"Holy shit..."Takeomi mumbled
{Just because someone insulted Emma?!}
The male thought in shock

While Waka looked a bit surprised but then smiled "that strong huh.."he whispered to him self

"How about she fight some of our members?"Wakasa told his friends
"it'll be abled to boost her straining"
"Hmmm.."shin hummed in thought

"After all in training she doesn't really fight
With all she got since she's not allowed to use full strength on her opponent because there just kids"Wakasa said

"He is right Shin"said Takeomi in agreement
Shinichiro sighed and agreed while Wakasa smirked and give the child a pat in the head

"Welcome to the group Princess~"he whispered at the girl who is slowly turning red

{Sh*t why does his voice have to be like that}the little girl thought as she looked at the ground trying to hide her blush


•Your pov•

After that I started training with the black dragons we would sometimes hang out together other members will praise my strength and speed on fighting, some members would also play with my hair

Everytime i win a fight Waka-kun would give me sweets like candies,chocolates and lollipops while Aka-kun would always scold him for giving me too much

Keizo-kun would sometimes carry me in his back i would sometimes scold Aka-kun and
Shin-kun for smoking telling them it's bad for their health

I really like hanging out with them
Sometimes when they get into fights
I would patch there bruises up sometimes
They would whine telling me to not tap it to hard cause it hurt and I would scold them on why they got on a fight



🌸I hope you like the chapter🌿

Oh forgot to say I aged them
down to 13 or 14 so it wouldn't be such a large gap since your age is still 7 and shin and the others are 20 above and others are younger
Bc I want senju as an admirer
For your strength and she'll
Be like a little sister



When Emma told y/n about the girls name
She found out that the father of the girl worked under her dad's company so she asked her dad if she could take care of the bully,her father talked to the father of the bully and told him to decipline his daughter
And explained what he did and if he didn't he would fire him

The father then scolded his daughter taht because of her he almost lost his job
And she got grounded

Emma was then never bothered by the girl
She was honestly surprised when the girl apologize to her after being grounded

The father of the child even bowed to her and hoped she would forgive his daughters
Rude behavior


~•A Happy Ending•~|Tokyo Revengers X F!Reader DISCONTINUED FOR NOW.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat