~•Chapter11|Yukimora Siblings|•~

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•Your pov•

I have currently just finished eating breakfast and got dressed I woke up early since the boy's will be visiting to see the castle since they both agreed on joining and along with Kai's twin

I heard the doorbell rang,and I immediately hurried towards the door telling the maids
"I'll get it!"Wich they were very surprised
since I'm such in a hurry

•Yui pov•

"Is it just me...or is miss.y/n having lots of visitor's these past days?"my fellow maid and friend Claire said

"Yeah she's been having lots of visitor's"
Leah agreed as we watched our young miss
rushing to the door

"I agree Shinichiro-kun and his friend's often visits and would sometimes bring lady y/n with them"said Shuki

"And not only that Mikey-kun and Emma-san would often visit too and would sometimes even darg miss to play with them"Claire said making us nod

"We'll at least miss.y/n is having fun right?"
I said and they smiled agreeing with
my comment

•Your pov•

I opened the door and ran down the steps to hug Hiroki and greet Kai and his... siblings?{why is all his siblings here?}I thought as I looked at the other Yukimora
Siblings and there was three other siblings

"Kai?"I called to him "Yeah?"he answered
"I thought you were only bringing your twin?"I said and Hiroki joined in "Yeah you said you'd bring your twin but it looks like you brought your whole family"hi roki said in staring at the other Yukimora's

•Kai pov•

"Um yeah..."I said as I scratched
the back of my head

"About that...."I continued slightly
sweat dropping

"I was only gonna bring Keiko..but..."
I said as I tried telling them

"But what?"Hiroki asked

"Yeah?"y/n slightly scanned my
siblings and looked at me

"Well..."I said as I fiddled with my fingers
"Let me explain why their here"



•Kai pov•

I'm getting ready for my day with y/n-chan and Hiroki and I heard my door creak open
And I saw the younger pair of twins coming in my room

"Brother?"my little sister Aoi calls to me"Yeah?"I said as my maid helped me buttoned up my shirt

"Where are you going?"Aki asked me
I then looked at her as I finished buttoning up my white shirt

"I'm going to a friend's place"I said simply
I said as I went outside holding both of my younger siblings

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