Mᴇᴇᴛ & Gʀᴇᴇᴛ (𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐋)

Start from the beginning

After the Chief finished speaking with her daughter, Y/n wondered about who this person was on the phone. Who is Donatello? And why was he asking about Y/n?

The girl who answered her mother's phone wanted to get to the bottom of this and she was going to find out in a few hours.

During the next few hours, Y/n whittled with a small pocket knife, carving out different shapes, targeting the appearance of an egg, practicing roundness. As the hour of 5 o'clock approached, she listened to her Mom in the kitchen, getting ready with her car keys and jacket being draped over her shoulders.

Y/n set down her wood and knife before peaking out of her bedroom and seeing her mother leave the apartment without saying a word. The young girl grabbed her coat and cellphone and takes a glance out of the window to view the outside. She found her mouth walking the sidewalk and found this as a great opportunity to follow her with a very stealthy and nosy behavior.

The teen ran out of the apartment before she lost her Mom in the city.

Carefully, with a dark hoodie hiding her recognizable figure, she followed her suspicious mother around different corners of the city. Y/n didn't understand why her Mom was being secretive when she was given the 'tea' all of the time.

Every once in a while, Y/n checked her phone, kept her distance from Rebecca Vincent, and tried making up scenarios of the mysterious person. Maybe Y/n was overthinking this. Perhaps, her mother was going to meet Jane-- but no. That makes no sense. This 'Donatello' specifically spoke of tonight, 5 o'clock, in a 'lair'...

This is very odd.

Y/n continues to follow her Mom until she reached a dark alleyway with nothing but dumpsters, garbage, and one large manhole cover in the center. Now, when she witnessed her mother going down a manhole cover, she knew something strange was going on. "What the hell?" She whispered, watching the chief of police disappear into the sewers.

But since she wanted to find out, Y/n trailed behind her Mom, lifting up that heavy manhole cover and seeing the bottom of the sewer tunnels. Gulping heavily, Y/n carefully and quietly put herself into the world below and held her breath to block out the stench of the waste and rotting garbage down here.

Y/n pulled out her smartphone and switched on the light to brighten her path of the tunnels. She walks forward, following the potential path the chief went.

As she marched on, things got even more interesting. She began to hear multiple voices-- ones that are not her mother's.

The more she went down the sewer tunnels, she saw a dim ray of light at the end, letting her know that there must be some kind of hideout. At first, she was hesitant about it, but when she heard her mother speaking, it motivated her to keep walking.

The smell of the tunnels faded, the darkness is peeled away, and she shut her flashlight off from her phone. Y/n came to the end of the tunnel, seeing a massive room filled with different items, such as furniture, trinkets, computers, anything. Then, she saw her mother in the middle of this place.

"Yes, I understand," Rebecca says to an unknown person, who was hidden behind a pillar.

Y/n came out of the tunnel, jaw dropped to the floor, still amazed at this underground home. "What is this place...?" She whispered faintly, letting herself into the room. This must be the 'lair'.

Once Y/n took a few more steps, a deep and guttural voice startle her, causing her to pivot her body in its direction. "Hey! Who are are you?"

"AH!" She squealed, backing up. Y/n's heart went from steady to rapid. Her anxiety fired up the second she laid eyes on this tall and muscular person. "I--I..."

𓆉 𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 2016 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝗼𝐬 𓆉 ❪∞❫Where stories live. Discover now