The First Night

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Hi again! This is another scene that just popped into my head. It's in the past when Mayflower is still alive. I want to do this one because I noticed that I didn't bring her character in a lot which is shameful of me, but I'm doing it here, like right now. Anyway, this is the couples first night with Walnut.



Mayflower wiped her hands on a nearby towel and leaned against the kitchen counter. Smiling, she took in the most adorable scene in front of her. Almond sat on the couch with their newborn cookie in his arms. He smiled and cradled her gently sometimes giving her a little kiss on the forehead and whispering something Mayflower couldn't hear. Her smile brightened. She picked a good guy.

Mayflower joined her husband on the couch and handed him the bottle of milk that was in her hand. Grinning, he took it and Mayflower showed him how to properly feed her. The baby's big eyes stared at them in wonder and curiosity. Walnut yawned as she finished her bottle and her eyes started to close.

"Almond?" Mayflower whispered as Walnut fell asleep. Almond didn't answer.


"Hmm?" Almond said as he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.

"Maybe we should get her to bed?"

"Just a little while longer." He said and gave her his best pathetic stare. Mayflower chuckled and sighed.

"Fine, but when I'm done getting ready for bed, she's going in her crib." Mayflower said with a smile. She loved seeing this soft side of Almond. He had been coming home lately, not himself. He was grumpy and usually avoided conversation but now? She could just see his heart melt as he looked at Walnut. He was gentle in the way he cradled her and loving in the way he looked at her.

Mayflower and Almond finally got Walnut into her crib after a long argument about whether or not Walnut could sleep with them. Mayflower kissed Walnut on the head.

"Goodnight little one." She whispered and hugged Almond close to her. They left without hearing the little whimper that came from Walnut as she saw the door almost close.

It was in the middle of the night, now. The moon was high above the sky and the couple were fast asleep. Everything was quiet, peaceful, perfect. That is, until an ear-splitting scream echoed through the halls of the house. Almond immediately woke up and grabbed the gun he had in his nightstand.

"Wha-what was that?!" He loudly whispered to Mayflower.

"Huh?Oh, OH, darling no it was just the baby." She said as she saw the gun in his hand. 

"Why is the baby crying?"

"That's what they do Almond. We should go check on her.... and leave the gun here."

When they got to Walnuts room, she immediately stopped crying. She looked expectantly at the couple.

"Uh, what just happened?" Mayflower asked confused 

"She stopped crying. Maybe she just wants to be with us?" Almond said and looked at May pleadingly.

"Almond, eventually she has to have a room of her own. It's best to let her get used to it now rather than later."


Mayflower nodded and brushed Walnuts forehead before the couple left the room again. That however wasn't the stop.

An hour later, the same scream came from Walnut.

Mayflower looked at her husband as they stood in Walnuts room. He stuck out his bottom lip and she sighed.

"Fine. But only for the night." 

Almond smiled and kissed her on her cheek. He picked up Walnut gently and cuddled her to his chest. Mayflower smiled

Yep, she picked a good one.

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