Nickname: Lia

Blood type: Ab

Family: chae and Jake

Age: 22

Bio: Lia learns about her powers as a gaurdian when she meets Chae and Jake. They have no memory of their parents so they adopted eachother.

Shin Yuna - wolf

Shin Yuna - wolf

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Nickname: none

Blood type: A

Family: Soobin and Niki


Bio: Yuna stumbles upon Soobin's doorstep after her pack was attacked by a vampire. She was one of 2 survivors and barely makes it out alive.

Lee Chaeryoung - gaurdian

Lee Chaeryoung - gaurdian

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Nickname: Chae

Blood type: B

Family: lia jake

Age: 21

Bio: Chae was an early bloomer and shortly after meets Jake. He teaches her about her power as a gaurdian and searches for Lia.



Ning Yizhuo - vampire

Ning Yizhuo - vampire

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