Chapter Three

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(A/N: Short-ish chapter, sorry. Thanks for reading!)

(Loki's Pov)

Loki stared incredulously at the little mortal, watching as she skimmed her fingers over the pages of the book in her lap. Who was she to think she could take on a prince of Asgard, let alone master magician? And yet she did. She had been able to restrain him, even simply for a brief time.

He wouldn't have known she was blind from how she was reading her book earlier though. It looked like she was 'reading' it normally, although her eyes had been wandering about unfocused. That was how he knew she was blind, as he judged her for simply holding a book.

But this time her fingers brushed the pages, as Loki noticed that they hadn't been written upon. Instead there were little dots all over the sheet, in patterns he couldn't quite recognise.

"Stop staring, will you? It freaks me out." Her voice snapped, although she never looked up at him. Loki wondered how she could sense these things, the only answer he came to being magic.

Loki headed for one of the couches, their dark grey surfaces complimenting the lighter, almost whitish pillows. When he looked at the girl, he could tell she had noticed he sat down, shifting slightly in her seat even though he wasn't even on the same couch as she. Her milky eyes glanced in his direction briefly, before looking away again.

After a few moments, she snapped her book shut and 'glared' at him. "What is it?"

"If you are blind, how can you tell my movements?" Loki started the inquiry.

"You know what a bat is?" She said after a moment.

"Of course."

"Well, they have echolocation. Basically using sound to see stuff. I do the same thing." She shrugged, as he wondered how many times she had recited that. By her monotone alone, he knew it was often.

"Even though you are not a bat?"

"Heightened senses. And I can manipulate soundwaves, as you've painfully learned." She laughed lightly, as he grumbled at the reminder. She was... pleasant, when she wasn't actively trying to kill or attack him. "Not magic."

He chuckled. "No, it seems not." Loki paused, weighing his next question. "How did you get your abilities?"

"I don't want to talk about that." She shot down the question quickly, turning away. After a brief awkward silence, she changed the topic. "I realise I never gave you my name."

"No, you have not." He smiled, "I suppose we didn't have a very formal introduction either."

"Yeah, sorry for attacking you. Even though you did deserve it for spooking me." She smirked, "I'm Victoria, but please call me anything but that. Vic or Vicky is fine."

"Alright then, Vicky." This midgardian was strange, although he couldn't quite claim in a demeaning way. Peculiar, and intriguing. She obviously held many secrets, taking this long to even tell him her name. Yet nothing else about her.

"So, what caused you to leave your cave anyway?" Vicky teased, bringing him back from his thoughts. "Finally getting some food?"

"Actually yes, I was. You're welcome to join me, if you'd like." Loki offered, wanting to understand what was going on. What she was hiding, and if that affected him. It seemed everything new in this tower affected him in some way.

"Sure." She agreed, and Loki felt a strange feeling when she did so. Of course he had been expecting her to agree- who wouldn't, but there had still been that option. And she did choose to join him.

"Loki!" A voice shouted from the elevator, as they turned to look at who it was. Vicky seemed to have noticed first, although Thor's voice was unmistakable. "What are you doing?"

"Speaking with our newest team member." Loki smiled mischievously, hoping Thor hadn't seen the fight earlier, although knowing he probably did. Everything was recorded in this tower.

"We got into a little squabble, but it's fine now Thor." Vicky said, standing between the brothers. "We were about to grab a bite to eat, if you wanna join?"

Of course his brother would interrupt his time with anyone alone. He always did.

"Of course, Lady Vicky. The team will be arriving shortly as well, and have requested 'take out' of your choosing." Thor smiled his idiotic charming smile, that woo-ed every lady he came across. Loki rolled his eyes, sitting back down on the couch. Take out hadn't quite been what he had in mind.

"Sure. Italian good?"

"Sounds wonderful."

Well, there goes the rest of his quiet night.

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