Chapter One

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(Victoria's Pov)

"And then I said, that the next time he was here, he'd better have pants on otherwise-"

"When you show up tomorrow I expect something better than-"

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Don't let her hear you say that."

"Weirdos, am I right?"

"Just when I thought I could trust you."

"Remember to take care of him."

"Hey, I need some help here."

"She's not just mine."

"Breakfast!" A voice awoke Victoria, one much closer than the others. It was like this every morning, as her brain slowly filtered through the streams of the world. The streams of sound, pushy and painful as always. "Vic, don't forget we have to leave soon if we want to make it on time."

Ugh. It's not that she didn't want to go to the busy, loud, chaotic city of New York- but she didn't. Especially not when she could already hear everything going on there anyways.

"Why do we have to go again?" Vic mumbled, propelling the words to Clint's ears. That was her 'uncle' of sorts, the amazing Hawkeye. He had taken her in when no one else would, he and his family.

"Because you're twenty-one now, and it's better to be using your abilities for good rather than spying on the government."

She laughed. "But how else would I know what really happened in New Mexico?"

Clint sighed. "You're not allowed to talk about that, remember? Just come down here, will you?"

"Alright, alright." She mumbled, finally sitting up in bed. Victoria isn't a normal girl, as you most probably have noticed, having a certain extraordinary ability. The power to manipulate sound waves. To Vic, they formed airstream-like waves around her, as she could feel each vibration ever made on earth. Every footstep, every word spoken, every heartbeat from every living thing. She could hear sound bouncing off the room around her, although so faint she could only barely make sense of it.

Victoria hummed as she got out of bed, hearing the room around her. The sound echoed off her packed suitcase on the floor, the make-shift bed she just got out of, and the analog clock on the wall allowing her to 'see' what time it is.

Except she couldn't exactly see it, if you haven't realised already. Victoria was blind. And she has been, ever since she first discovered her powers.

Vic grabbed the pile of clothes waiting for her on the end of her bed, quickly changing before heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Oh, you look so grown up." Laura's voice called, as Vic heard the seven heartbeats in the room. Seven? There was Clint, Laura, Lila, Cooper, baby Natathaniel, herself, and one other.

She listened closely to their heartbeat, recognising their slight excitement. It was a bit faster when she stopped, although all their heart rates went up a bit when she did. So everyone knew something was off, although knowing the Bartons, it wouldn't have been something too harmful. Or someone.

"Hey..." Vic trailed off, listening to her voice bounce around the room. There was someone else sitting at the table, with a thin hoodie, combat boots, and a shoulder-length slightly curled haircut. There was only one person Vic knew that fit that description. "Auntie Tasha!"

Natasha laughed when Vicky figured it out, catching her when she ran over to hug her. "I was wondering when you'd realise." She laughed, "I was even wearing mufflers this time." Mufflers were a category of tech, clothing, and anything of the like that was used to muffle sound. The spies and others at Shield loved testing out the stuff with her, although nothing had worked perfectly. She could still hear every soul on the planet that wasn't behind a dozen feet of concrete. And still even then sometimes.

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