The girl chuckled as she finished changing the tire

Joe: See! Told you it was great

You stood in front of a car with the hood up, fiddling with the components inside to ensure they responded correctly to the repairs you suggested

Y/N: You owe us one

A laugh was shared between you three. Joe worked on one car while Dani and you tended to the other

Danielle: Guess I do

Joe closed the door of the car he was working on and turned to you

Joe: What about you, Y/N? How was your weekend?

You froze at the question. Where could you even start?

- - -

Kate and you ran from a bunch of AIM agents, dodging your lasers as you fled the compound

Y/N: Are you sure about this!?

Kate: Nope!

You ran towards the window and crashed through. You held on to Kate as she turned to fire a grappling hook

Both of you were screaming the entire time

- - -

You stood alongside Nick Fury and a bunch of engineers inside and office. In front of you were the blueprints of a Helicarrier model they had been working on

Fury: What do you think, kid?

You hummed as you placed a hand on your chin. Then you looked at the man

Y/N: Have you considered repulsor engines? They would help you stay in the air longer than those turbines of yours

- - -

You slept on the couch, snoring like a madman with an old blanket lazily thrown around you

Suddenly, there was an explosion that shook the building

The apartment glowed red as the windows were sealed with reinforced steel

Another explosion took place, albeit a muffled one

You just kept snoring

- - -

Y/N: Oh, you know. Just taking a break

The redhead man just chuckled

Joe: I feel you. Things have been crazier than usual, huh?

Danielle: Wasn't there like, an alien dimension last week?

Y/N: I think those were killer robots

The girl playfully rolled her eyes

Danielle: Oh my, that's new

You closed your eyes before inspecting the car with a different view. The parts glowed blue, and ideas for upgrades popped up in your mind, but everything seemed to be working as it was now

Once you were finished, you closed the hood of the car and glanced over at your friend

Y/N: Done with my part. You?

Danielle wiped the sweat off her forehead and turned to you

Danielle: Done

Just then, you got a message from the earpiece you had with you at all times. You tapped it and the message played

V.A.L: Update, sir. The operative system is nearly complete

You smiled at the notification and tucked the device away

Marvel: Misfits - Male Reader Insertजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें