(2) It's so Peaceful... It's a Trap Isn't It

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The moon reigned supreme in the night sky as a fateful meeting took place on a rooftop

"Going to rain, you can smell it in the air"

"Let's go Mets! Whoo!"

"Ten grand, I say ten grand"

It was a fateful meeting...of neighbors

This was a nightly ritual when the weather was nice enough, most of the building headed up to the roof for dinner and a bit of socializing. This included Kate and you

Y/N: Hey, Alexis, want another hot dog?

You asked the girl who was notorious for having a pet snake. She was drinking from her beer when you asked that

Alexis: BRING IT ON!!!

This all started when Grills, the man currently (you guessed it) grilling came to the roof and did his thing. The rest of you just sort of followed. Granted, at first, you weren't so fond of the idea, but Kate was quick to change your mind

And speaking of her...

Kate: You just snap your fingers real hard

Dave: No way

Steven: Do it, Kate! Bust it

The girl was on one knee with a small crowd eagerly sitting around her. In front of them, around seventeen feet away were three empty bottles of beer

Jude: Think he's right, Kate

She looked over her shoulder, smirking as she held a coin between her fingers

Kate: Watch me

Then, she turned back to the bottles and focused for a few seconds before snapping her fingers, and just like that, the coin was shot at the bottle in the middle, shattering it upon meeting the object

Smugly, Kate looked back at the three

Kate: See?

Dave: No way!

Steven: Holy crap!

Jude: Woah!

They clapped and she stood up to take a bow when an older woman tapped her shoulder and pointed to the resulting glass shards

Mrs. Pulido: Don't forget to clean up after, Kate

Kate: Yes, ma'am

Immediately, Kate searched the area for you, finding you talking to Alexis and Grills, but as soon as you made eye contact, she motioned you to help her clean, and reluctantly, you did

This would be a lot easier with Ultron Johnson but...yeah, don't know how the neighbors would react to that one, honestly

For the girl, this nightly ritual had a very unique offering, that being that it kept both of you "within reach". Oftentimes it was easy to disconnect yourself from the people you serve when you're looking at them from a tower

Although sometimes it could be a bit...awkward

Jake: Say, Kate, I haven't seen as many supers as of late. Any idea what is that about?

Kate: What do you mean? There's always someone around

Y/N: Yeah, just this morning I saw Spidey swing by

Jake: I ain't talking about the Web-head, I'm talking 'bout the Avengers and whatnot

Without even thinking about it, the young Bishop let go of the trash bag she was using to collect the shards. If there was one topic she was sensitive about, it had to be the Avengers, more precisely, their current whereabouts

Marvel: Misfits - Male Reader Insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن