chapter 1- prince??!!

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authors notes will be in bold! () is what the character (flo) is thinking, and pretend everyone speaks english instead of swedish cos i can't trust google translate okay love u bye also grammar won't be good i'm not rlly focused on that i'm more focused on the plot

Dear Diary,
All week everyone has been talking about Prince Wilhelms arrival. i personally am also very excited for it, but  i am used to being around rich snobs... i mean i do go to the richest boarding school in sweden but, it's usually just people whos parents own lots of land property and shit like this but usually not real ROYAL blood... i was surprisingly  nervous but atleast he's handsome ;))

I feel bad for the kid tho, must be hard all that pressure to be king one day....

The light shined in on the beautiful hall with Linen wood benches put up in strict lines across the hall, the shiny gold accents of the pale white walls glistening in the sun. (wow so gorgeous) everyone was chattering, we were waiting for the Princes arrival.  i turned to my left to see 3 spaces next to me, i didn't really think much of it until i felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

"uh?" i turned confused

"the prince might sit by you OOH LALA" a boy who i believed  to be named Vincent ( a third year ) and a bunch of his friends all laughed.

"haha yeah maybe" i laughed at even the possibility.

Everyone had been chatting for about 3 minutes when it went silent, we all heard the friction of rocks and the tires outside and everyone fell silent, for about a minute it was silent till everyone got  bored and just decided to wait for the principals arrival. as if one queue Mrs Lija walked in and everyone went silent,

Then i saw him (wow) his blonde hair carved his bruised face beautifully. he was looking down but behind him you could see his brother (Erick, crown prince!!!) standing tall, arm rapped around his friend (and complete asshole) August.

August was your typical snobby dickhead. The only difference about him is that he does have some excuse, when he was just a kid his dad died and now he's forced to make big decisions for his family legacy... but STILL!! He also  would often ask me for booze for his dumb parties but i would just VERY kindly deny the offer.

As Wilhelm walked further and further down the sea of benches i realised he was getting closer to me. i was trying to see his expression but all i could see was a purple indent under his gorgeous dark hazel eyes that looked even more gorgeous in the sun (WOWZA), i caught myself in thought and looked away though, i didn't want to cause him any more discomfort, all this attention is probably hard anyways especially after his whole fight controversy at his old school.

FINALLY he made it to my isle, looking up, surprisingly he smiled at me, i noticed he hasn't smiled at anyone else yet. i felt special.

"hi!" he smiled.

wow his smile was so pretty and warm

"oh uh hi!" i smiled, knowing i was probably as pink as a strawberry right now (embarrassing!!!!)

he adjusted his dark blue coat and put it around his chair and everyone sat. We all waited for the choir to start, i was looking forward to avoid any kind of eye contact with Wilelhm , i can embarrass myself anymore, until i heard a

"i'm Wilhelm by the way,"he smiled

i obviously knew who he was but i didn't want him to feel even more 'left out' i suppose so i greeted him back normally.

"i'm flo," i smiled back and we both turned to the front when all of a sudden.

"OOOoooOoooHOOO" i heard from the choir.

Don't get me wrong it was beautiful but they kinda ruined my moment.

as they were singing not fully into it yet August announced to the other 2 boys next to me not even acknowledging me...

"you see that girl at the front, yellow headband, her named Felice Young, and i'm going to marry her"

Wilelhm laughed. wow it was a really nice laugh, his smile his, (IM GETTING OFF TRACK) i caught myself and continued in my brain,

I looked over to the girl the raven haired boy was talking about, she had beautiful brown hair and pink stained lips. she was very beautiful but i didn't really pay attention to other people in my school, plus i'm only a first year so i don't know much.

"arlright buddy if you say so, you mgiht wanna start working out then" Erik giggled at August. The two were like brothers, i found it quite endearing at first then i remembered the countless times August has offered me a kiss for some booze.


around 12 minutes later or 4 songs later

The choir had been singing for a WHILE now and i just wanted to get some fresh air so i waited patiently until the end.

I really wanted to talk to Wilhelm, so i turned finally after ignoring all eye contact for the full performance, but when i turn he is speaking to someone else, Vincent, i didn't really catch what they were talking about because i frankly didn't care i jsut wanted to talk to Wilhelm and i knew everyone would have the exact same thought but i genuinely  wanted to know him.

FINALLY he turned to me

"flo, would you like to pass?" he questioned

i was confused at first until i realised i was literally hovering over him. (OMGMGGKGOGMGNGOGNFHAGAH) i'm probably blushing again (so embarrassing) then i stopped being a pussy and said.

"no thankyou, but actually i was about to go outside get some fresh air, it's way too clammy in here, your free to join me... if you dare" i giggled

he looked conflicted but i get it, i didn't want to make him feel forced to do anything so i gave him a big smile and walked through the isle to the outside.

I think i've smiled more today than i have in the full 4 months here so far.

i kept walking looking down at my feet when i heard footsteps behind me when i saw him following after me.



i tried to play it cool and glanced, grinned and kept walking like i was unbothered when inside my heart was having explosions!!!

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