When he reached checkout, the magazine rack caught his eye as he was waiting in line.


Scoffing, he grabbed one and placed it face down on the belt, wondering what sort of lies they managed to spin from such little information.

As he walked home, he fished it out of the bag and flipped through, finding the right page.


George quickly slammed it shut, wondering how they had gotten that picture of him that was in the article.


"You realize that this will have consequences?" His mom asked him.

No shit.

He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Mom." He couldn't look her in the eyes.

She sat down next to him on his bed. "It looks like we can't cover this up. We have to address the matter.. But we can still deny that it is you in the video." His head shot up. "You can't really see that it's you." She continued. "So this is what we'll do. We'll come and pick you up on Saturday. We'll let Rosa handle the interview, and we'll give her exclusive rights to the entire statement. We can trust her." She paused. "I don't want you to see George for the time being. It will only set off new rumors. We have to solve this first."

She doesn't really expect him to just abandon George like that, does she? It's bad enough he can't be around him, but he has to just completely isolate him in this chaos?

"No," he thought. "I won't do it. I can't do it. They can't make me."


George entered his house and kicked his shoes off.

"Hey, hun, how'd it go?" His mom asked.

He sighed. "Fine, Mom. I am capable of going to the store on my own." He went to his room and pulled the magazine out again. He looked at Clay's picture on the front cover, missing him.

"George." He quickly shove the magazine under his jacket as his mom walked in. "We should really file a police report."

"Mhm." He grunted.

She sat down next to him and started rubbing his back. "I don't think you should go back to that school. And I think it'd be best if none of you did. I'll call your old school and see if we can change back."

Hannah, who overheard from the hallway, joined the conversation. "But, Mom, I don't want to stop going to Kinoko." They both looked up at her as she walked into her brother's room.

"Think about everything he's done for you." Their mother said sternly, in their native tongue.

"Like meeting Dad behind my back? Are you going to ruin my life just because he's ruining his-"

"Can you stop being so fucking stubborn and try to understand my situation?" George stepped in. "The whole fucking world has seen me in that video!"

Hannah turned and left the room.


"I wonder how they're gonna find an heir." Alyssa said. "I mean, they can't have kids."

"I guess they'll have to find a surrogate mother." Cara pondered.

"They'd need to find a super blue-blooded surrogate. No one would take that offer."

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