Chapter 1

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It's finally summer, the best time of the year. Us Pogues get to truly experience life in these next few months.

I walk out of the wreck with Rafe only to see my group of friends waiting outside for me "Bye Rafe... Thank you!" I walk towards my group pretending I wasn't hanging out with Rafe for a any reason. As i'm walking over I can hear JJ talking to my brother "she's always with him! Why is she always with him?" JJ taps John B's shoulder "Hey boys" I greet the three of them "hey kid" JB lifts his head up "Rafe Cameron huh?" JJ stares me down like i've just killed a puppy "dude what?" I play dumb "Why are you hanging out with him so much?" He asks me "I saw him and said hello? You think i'm mackin' on Rafe Cameron, JJ?" I question him. He hums and then walks away in silence.

I would say i'm a pretty good liar... most of the time. Not with John B though, he always knows when i'm lying. Maybe it's a twin thing because I always know when John B is lying or he could just be a terrible liar.

While i'm laying in bed I get a text from none other than Rafe Cameron.
"Come over tomorrow morning and bring your board"
"what if I don't want to?" I tease
"well i'll cry" he teases back
"seriously come tho plz?" He adds the second text
"i'm joking, yes i'll come what time?"
"like 8?"

I'm interrupted by JB at me door "what're you smiling at?" He gestures to my phone "smiling? Me? No way" I give him a straight face "who you texting" he plops down on my bed "none of your business bro" I pull my phone out of his reach "I feel so uninvolved in your life recently. I'm hurt" he puts his hand on his heart pretending he's been stabbed "well I work, I have other friends and I do all the house work so yeah John B i'm sorta busy" I stick out my bottom lip and he rolls his eyes in response "you can still make time for us... your friends or did you forget about us" he jokes "I'm so busy because I care about you guys so much, I get us food for our parties, who buys the alcohol? I keep the house clean and pay our rent, that's how we're still okay even with dad gone, John B" I explain "then you wonder why you're always stressed Var" he seems sympathetic now maybe appreciating everything I do "okay well I knew you'd bring this up so....." I stand up making this more dramatic "I took off work for the next few weeks" I put my hands together clapping "no way" John B stands up and takes me in his grip "proud of you" he teases "shut up" I slap his shoulder and try to slip away from him.


The next morning I wake up before John B and head to the Cameron household, I take my bike because I know if I take the twinkie i'll get in shit. When I arrive i'm greeted by a very giddy Rafe "you're late" Ward jokes as he throws surf boards into the back of the car "oh I am? Where's Topper?" I raise my eyebrows, Mr Cameron smiles and walks back into the house grabbing whatever else we'll need "sorry about yesterday" referring to me not giving Rafe a kiss goodbye, I think he knew what I was talking about so he leans down and kisses me "get a room" Sarah scoffs walking out of the house "Sarah!" I raise my arms in the air pulling her in for a hug "i'm glad you're here, don't think I could do this alone" she rolls her eyes with a smile.

Topper finally shows up and so we hit the road. We arrive at a secluded beach near Sunset Docks (where the rich people pay an extreme amount of money to dock their boats).

The four of us head into the water with Ward on the docks talking to a man whom I don't know but Ward seems to know pretty much everyone on the island rich or poor.

Rafe and I take some waves far away from Sarah and Topper, I have a feeling Rafe is going to take my waves and so I continue with caution. After a while of not being interrupted by the boy, he paddles closely beside me as i'm about to catch a huge wave "don't take my waves Cameron!" I jokingly yell over to him "my waves Varsh" he says cockily and continues to follow me. When I stand up he tries to cut me off a few times but I maneuver my way around him until he completely ditches his board and jumps off of it tackling me down into the water. I don't come up for a moment hopefully trying to scare him. He then reaches his arm down into the water grabbing a hold of me, as i'm surfacing I laugh and so does he, we're about knee deep now and the biggest wave yet this morning is forming, I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me tight, he turns his body to shield me from the wave. The force of the wave pushes us into the coral reef that was behind us "jesus fuck" Rafe rolls his head back laughing, I try to stand up but I fall back down in pain, i'm bleeding.

Rafe looks down at my side quickly realizing he needs to get me out of the water, a small wave then comes and i'm under water for a moment. I come back up for air grabbing onto Rafe's forearm with both of my hands "what's going on down there!" Ward yells down to us from the docks "Dad" he elongates the name, letting his father know we need some help "I'm fine Rafe just get me home okay?" I plead "dammit Rafe" Ward yells at his son who's clearly already feeling guilty "Ward i'm fine, just get John B to come get me" I stand up biting my lip trying not to scream in pain "Sarah get the car ready!" Ward yells to his daughter. Rafe hauls me over his shoulder pulling me out of the water and bringing me to the car. Rafe places me in the backseat with my head on his lap and my legs on Topper to make sure my back doesn't touch the seat, he puts towels under the parts that isn't my wound so I'm not holding my body up. I get a little bit comfortable but I'm sweating in pain trying not to think about it.

We arrive at the hospital and Ward makes a hurried stop at the front doors. Rafe and Sarah hop out and Rafe slings me around his shoulder again while Ward parks the car. The four of us enter the hospital and when the front desk sees the blood over Rafe's shirt she calls doctors in and i'm put on a stretcher. At this point i'm confused and crying calling out for Rafe who looks terrified. "Var listen, i'll be in as soon as they let me, okay?" Rafe looks down at me and places both hands on my head kissing me plenty times.

I wake up to Rafe's hand in mine, I smile at the realization of his touch "i'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe" he mumbles "what're you talking about?" I tap his hand with mine "I should've been more careful" he apologizes "if I got eaten by a shark would it be your fault too?" I ask "no" he whispers under his breath "it isn't your fault and i'm alive right?" I ask him trying to make him give me eye contact. He stares back at me with his glossy blue eyes "I love you" he drops his head into my chest "I love you too" I kiss the back of his head.

There's so many things I love about our relationship. First obviously Rafe, he's the most perfect human being thats ever existed, his baby blue eyes and his chiseled jawline with a nose that fits his face perfectly, but mostly his smile. You could get lost in his smile, he's just so pretty. The second thing is our understanding for each other, he understands when I don't want to talk about things and I understand the same for him. He's a sappy romantic which makes my heart melt as cringy as it sounds. Then you find out he's a tough guy, he can fight anyone and everyone and he's damn good at it which makes me want to jump his bones every time he gets pissed off, as terrible as it sounds. He makes me feel so safe it's an unexplainable feeling, he's so comforting and perfect that's the only way I can put it.

AUTHORS NOTE: hi!!! So this is my first chapter, sorry if there are spelling mistakes or if things aren't grammatically correct! Tell me if you want to see anything in this story and i'll be sure to check it out and see if I like the idea. Also another thing, Varsha will not be with Rafe this entire book! It could be confusing and also kinda basic and unrealistic to some people and I apologize LOL.

I'll probably do a short authors note on every chapter but we'll see I guess

Lemme know how you guys like it so far!

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