Chapter 62: Red Snitch

Start from the beginning

"You Idiot! You absolute Idiot" she said with each slap, and Y/N just took it, he knew he messed up, he wasn't angry at her reaction though, he was furious at Ron.

"Were you even going to tell me?" she asked

"Eventually, yes" said Y/N, "You just have to understand"

"I cant understand, I will never understand why" she said, "Because I failed Hermione, I gave you up, I almost gave everything up just for me to fail again, you have no Idea what that feels to give everything you love up to try and be better and still fail, and not just fail, but fail someone you loved. I felt like I had lost everything I was going mental, I was speaking to dead people, I was going mad" said Y/N not raising his voice, but he spoke in an exasperated manner.

Hermione tried to understand but she couldn't in her eyes he was being selfish, "What about us?" she asked, "Hermione I get that and Im sorry, I understand that now, you don't see me trying to jump off of Ginny's window do you?"

"No but"

"Please can we just stop this, I cant right now, he shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place, you know why he's doing this don't you?"

"No why?"

"Because he likes you Hermione, he has since third year, he just wants us to fight even more" said Y/N.

"You're being Paranoid"

"Really? Fourth year he was mad that you were dancing with Cedric, last year he flirted with you every chance he could, don't you remember he wasn't like that?"

Hermione knew what he meant, but she didn't want to acknowledge it, because deep down, very deep down she felt the same.

"I still love you Y/N" was all she said, "I do too" said Y/N, she put a hand on his cheek and kissed it, before they even thought about anything she pushed her lips on his, pushing him to the bed she kept kissing him, they took their shirts off, and kissed again, but this time it was more passionate than before, Hermione put a hand on his chest and sat on his lap, "You sure?" he asked, "More than sure" she said as she began to unbuckle his belt.


Ron heard some noises from the attic but thought it was just the ghoul screaming so he paid them no mind, in the kitchen Harry and Ginny were in very deep conversation, but he couldn't find the person he was looking for, but after a while he saw her coming down the stairs, her hair messier than ever and behind her Y/N with a very badly buttoned shirt, "Hey" said Ron going towards them but was met by Y/N's fist going straight into his nose.

Ron heard some noises from the attic but thought it was just the ghoul screaming so he paid them no mind, in the kitchen Harry and Ginny were in very deep conversation, but he couldn't find the person he was looking for, but after a while he saw h...

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"Y/N!" said Ginny going to check on her brother trying not to laugh at how fast he fell, "You alright Ron?" she asked, "He better be, Im not done yet" said Y/N, "What is going on here?" asked Mrs Weasley after coming in from the garden, "Just teaching Ron about not getting involved in what doesn't concern him." said Y/N.

"What did he do now"

"With all due respect Mrs. Weasley I really don't want t-"

"Y/N was going to do himself in, he was going to jump from the astronomy tower" said Ron.

"You little shit" said Y/N chasing after him, not trying to hurt him badly just scare him into having some manners. Y/N tackled him to the ground and reeled his fist back making Ron flinch, Y/N got up dusted himself off.

"I like being around you Ron, makes me look so tough" said Y/N lifting his friend up.

"Y/N, is that true" asked Ginny, "What do you think" was all Y/N said before sitting at the kitchen table, no one else inquired about the events Ron mentioned.

Y/N ate his breakfast as if nothing happened making small talk with the family, "Mrs. Weasley these eggs are 'egg'celent" said Y/N, making Ginny and Hermione giggle, "Thank you Y/N" said Mrs. Weasley with a proud smile but not noticing the pun he made.

As they ate breakfast the screeching of an owl was heard, Hermione instantly stood up, nervous as to what it could be.

"Ah shit, its our Owls" said Y/N, "Well not our owls its just Errol, but you know with our O.W.L.-"



"Stop talking mate" said Harry


Errol actually landed on the window giving the kids their letters, Hermione began having a small anxiety attack when she saw that it was indeed their O.W.L.s results, eager to know if the failed she opened her letter first, Harry, Ron and Y/N opened theirs without worry, well expressed worry.

Y/N Robert L/N

Defense Against The Dark Arts: Outstanding

Care of Magical Creatures: Outstanding

Potions: Exceeds Expectations

Charms: Outstanding

Transfiguration: Outstanding

Divination: Acceptable

Herbology: Outstanding

History of Magic: Acceptable

"Nice" said Y/N seeing his results, which he had already expected, Harry showed his to Y/N earning himself a proud brotherly hug, and Ron did the same, both Harry and Y/N were stunned to see his results, and finally Hermione, who was still holding her letter, "Let us see Hermione" said Ron, "Ron don't rush her" said Y/N, Y/N grabbed the letter from her hand, "Holy shit" said Y/N "She got an outstanding on everything besides Defense against the dark arts" said Y/N, " Great job Mione" he said rubbing her back, "Thanks" she said, her eyes lingering on his lips.

"Ahem" Harry cleared his throat, "Oh right, congrats Mione, very well done"

"Right thanks Y/N" she said shaking his hand.

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