A Schizophrenic Love - chapter 2

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Here's the next chapter.. Thank you so much for the comments and votes :) i hope you like it.. The picture is of Jase btw :)


"Hey there sleeping beauty" Jase woke me. I slowly got myself up and glanced around the room to see a beautiful painting of a girl sleeping. Was that me? It couldn't be me! How the hell..?

"Jase please tell me you didn't paint a picture of me sleeping?!" I shrieked. I look awful when I sleep!

"Why yes i did m'lady" he replied with a sweet smile. How did I manage to be so lucky to have Jase?

"Cut out the fake posh accent it makes your head look big" I joked as he erupted in laughter. "But that painting is really beautiful Jase" I added seriously. He was such a good artist! He always has been ever since I can remember. I used to sit for hours just watching him paint. So peaceful. So beautiful. So perfect.

Suddenly my door snaps open and Mum walks in casually like she owns my room. Well technically she probably does but that's not the point! She opened my closet to put my clean clothes back where they belonged. I started panicing as I realised that I hadn't told Jase to hide! Did she see him?! Wait... Where did he go? I inconspicuously looked around the room trying to locate him but he was no where to be seen. Thank fuck for that.

"Mum you need start knocking you can't just walk in here like it's YOUR room!" I shouted in frustration. "I could be naked for all you know!"

"Honey there's nothing that i haven't seen already, although your boobs look bigger. Aw my baby's all grown up now" she's so embarrassing! I felt my face heat up as I was fully aware Jase was listening to all this.

"Mum just get out I can put my own clothes back" I sighed wanting her out of my room as quickly as possible.

"Okay honey, oh and by the way me and your father are going on the yacht with the Smiths for the weekend. You'll be alright alone won't you?" She added with a concerned face. Of course I'll be alright, I'll have Jase! A whole weekend alone with him. I smiled.

"Yeh Mum I'll be okay. I always am." I reassured her.

"Well okay" she made her way towards my bedroom door when she stopped halfway and stared at Jase's painting of me. I froze. "Since when did you start painting?" she asked curiously. I let out the breath I've been holding in subconciously.

"i've always painted mum. If you weren't so distracted by your fake nails and your hair extentions then you might have actually noticed for once!" I yelled and pushed her out of the room. I don't know why I did that. I feel really bad now. I think I just got worked up about Jase almost getting found out. It's okay I'll apologise later or something.

"But I like your mum's fake nails and hair extentions. She's hot" Jase came out from under my bed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Ew Jase why are you such a dick?!" I retorted. He chuckled down my neck. I feel so safe having his huge arms wrapped so tightly around me. We stood there staring outside the window for a moment when Jase's hands crawled slyly towards my breasts and grabbed them both squeezing gently.

"Well what do you know, they actually have grown" he laughed at my embarrassment. I turned around to give him a jokey slap when he grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. Pulling me closer to his body, I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened our kiss. God I'm so uncontrollably in love with him it slightly scares me.

"So what do you want for breakfast? I'm cooking" I pulled back reluctantly and he lifted me up bridal style as we made our way towards the kitchen.

"You mean what do i want to get massively burned by your disastrous cooking techniques which I'm going to have to clean up because you're hopeless" he joked.

"Well yeh pretty much" I responded honestly. I can't cook to save my life. To be honest the reason why this place hasn't burned down into ashes is because of Jase.

"How about I cook and you make yourself look pretty" he added the last part sarcastically.

"Sounds great" I stuck my tongue out at him. At that moment there was a knock on the door. Who on earth would that be? Mum probably forgot her hairstraightner. I walked towards the front door as Jase hid behind it.

I opened the door slightly and saw two men dressed in suits. They were really goodlooking, about 28 years old roughly.

"Can I help you?" I asked in a sweet voice.

"Yes ma'am, we've had a complaint that this household has been making too much noise. May we search the premises?" the taller guy replied. Too much noise? Err they must have the wrong house. I carefully looked at Jase who was still hiding behind the door.

"Ask to see a search warrant" he whispered so quietly I could barely hear him.

"Can I see a search warrant and some form of identification" I mentally smiled feeling proud that I added the last bit myself. Okay now I feel pathetic that I smiled at that.

"Sure, this is officer Jacobs and I'm officer Andrews" he started whilst both officers were showing me their badges. Why weren't they in uniform then?

"And the search warrant?" I prodded.

"Yes the search warrant, how old are you miss?" officer Jacobs asked as if trying to change the subject.

"I'm sixteen not that it's any of your business, now the warrant officer?" I asked again. They weren't getting out of this easily. He handed me a document that I assumed was the search warrant. I've never seen one before so to be honest they could have handed me anything.

"Tell them you'll be a moment and close the door" Jase whispered again. I did as I was told and looked at him for guidance. I have no idea what I'm doing.

"Rip it up Roxy" he commanded.

"What?! Are you crazy? I could get into a lot of trouble!" I whisper shouted hoping they couldn't hear.

"Roxy, rip it up now!" He commanded again. Jase looks so scary when he's like this. I did as he told me and ripped the document up into small pieces. "Good girl, now hand it back to them" he was calmer now but he looked dangerous.

"Jase I don't want to, what if I get into trouble?" I worried. Does he not care? Why is he making me do this?!

"Don't be so pathetic Roxy just do it!" his words stung. I don't want him to think I'm pathetic. I'm not pathetic am I? I opened the door and handed the document to them and quickly closed it again not giving the officers a chance to speak. My heart was racing now.

"I hate you!" I lied and walked away from him towards the kitchen again. I could feel him following me until he reached my body and pushed me against the kitchen wall. Grabbing my face with both his hands, he kissed me softly.

"Baby they were lying. They're not officers. That wasn't a search warrant and you're a minor you can't get into a lot of trouble you're only sixteen." he smiled reassuringly. I sighed in relief.

"Okay" was all I could say to him. I was still slightly shocked from the fear he built up in me for a moment back there. But in a weird way I liked it. It was turning me on. I turned my face towards his again and frowned slightly in curiousity. "So, how do you know all this Jase?" I asked. He let go of me and walked away toward the fridge.

"I just do Rox" he replied.

"No Jase! Who are they? What did they want? Why do they want to search the house? I know there's something going on that you know about!" I prodded but he wasn't going to give in. He put a massive spoonful of beans into his mouth.

"Food's delicious I'm such a good cook" he winked. God! I want to punch that sexy smirk right off his face!


please comment and vote i'd really appreciate it.. Thanks again for reading

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