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Chapter 381: Certified Farmer Li Nianfan

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

That place was like where Lord Pangu lived!

'The mountain shall be known as...the best Saintly Mountain and the blessed sacred land from now on!'

Ziye thought to herself. Qin Manyun took a deep breath and stepped forward. She carefully raised her hand and knocked three times on the door.

"May I know if Mr. Li's home?"

"Guests? I'll go answer the door!"

Tap tap.


Dragin opened the door. She had flour on her face—looking like a messy cutie. She looked at everyone outside and smiled. "Hey, it's Sister Ziye. Please, come in."

Ziye and Gu Xirou smiled at the same time. "Hello, Dragin."

Then, they stepped into the four-part architecture. They saw the busy people in the yard. White flour was floating in the air. The floor was also covered in white flour. It looked like a mess.

Li Nianfan and the others were kneading dough. They added water to the flour and they had all sorts of stuff to knead the dough with on the table.

Xiao Bai had hands like a vacuum machine, chasing after loose flour and cleaning up the place.

Ziye and the others had imagined countless scenarios when they walked in the door, except for a scenario like that. When they saw the house full of flour, the corners of their mouths unconsciously twitched.

'That's not flour, that's incomprehensible Luck!'

If cultivators, or even Immortals, were there to see all that flour, they would have lost control as if they had discovered some ultimate treasure. Then, they would do anything to gather it.

'Are they playing with Luck? Luxurious, too luxurious!'

They looked at Daji and the others. They seemed alright. It seemed like they did not think it was wasteful.

'Forget the expert. Since when were you girls so carelessly lavish, too?'


Qin Manyun breathed fast. She noticed that some flour was floating in front of her. She silently turned her mouth into an 'O' to suck the flour in.

'Suck it in as much as I can. Rich people don't understand the desires of the poor. It'd be a shame to waste it!'

Li Nianfan saw the guests and instantly smiled. He said, "Yo, Lady Manyun's also here. I haven't seen you in a while."

Qin Manyun hurriedly saluted and bowed, "Yeah. Greetings to Mr. Li."

Gu Xirou and Ziye also hurriedly said, "Mr. Li, sorry to intrude."

Li Nianfan smiled. "Ha, there's nothing to intrude. It's a bit messy at the moment. Sorry about that."

"No...not at all." Gu Xirou sounded a bit anguished.

'You should feel sorry for us instead. We've never seen a messy house caused by excessive Luck. We truly learned something new this time.'

Li Nianfan said, "Sit, have a seat. Xiao Bai, turn off the vacuum machine mode. Hurry up and serve tea to the guests."

"Yes, my noble Master."

Xiao Bai immediately went off to make tea.

Ziye and the others looked to where Li Nianfan was standing. They looked at the dough on the table.

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