Untitled Part 31

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"Miss you~" Jiang Xiaoxiao blinked and bounced towards the man at the door with a little water on his finger.

Zhong Tong did not hide, letting the drops of water fall on her face, she walked two steps forward and came to Jiang Xiaoxiao and lowered her head...

"Hey...what are you doing?" Jiang Xiaoxiao took a small step back , She glanced at the direction of the living room to make sure that everyone was doing their own things and didn't notice here, and then relaxed, she glared at Zhong Tong and asked why this person didn't pay attention to the occasion!

Zhong Tong smiled, rubbed his head on Jiang Xiaoxiao's shoulder, and said with a smile: "wipe her face." She seems to really like these intimate actions recently, and she used to show affection for her parents in front of her. She always couldn't understand, and now she has a girlfriend to understand what these actions mean.

With water in her hands, Jiang Xiaoxiao didn't dare to move anymore for fear of getting her clothes dirty. While staring at the situation outside, she urged: "Okay, okay, go out and sit with them for a while! "This person is really getting more and more silly, just like a three-year-old kid!

"Huh huh~" Zhong Tong smiled and said, "I can't help my girlfriend." Mainly because there is Wu Ziqing outside, she won't go out to join in the fun, it is better to accompany her in the kitchen. What about my friends!

Jiang Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows, is it possible that this guy just heard what was in his heart? Since she wants to help, let her go. Sometimes in a relationship, it is necessary to satisfy the object's desire for expression. Only by giving her the opportunity to express can she be more confident in this relationship.

She accidentally saw this passage in a book, and she didnt understand it when she first read it. In her opinion, its not so troublesome to fall in love. Its okay for two people to be happy together, but when oneself When she was in a relationship, she discovered that there are really some tricks in it. If it is used well, it will increase the relationship between the two. If it is not used well, it may affect the relationship.

"Okay, then you help me wash these vegetables, I'll handle the meat~" Jiang Xiaoxiao blinked and smiled and handed a large bag of vegetables to Zhong Tong.

Taking the bag happily, Zhong Tong took a sink and started to clean it seriously. After rebirth, she didn't have much to do. She did a lot of housework, but she also enjoyed it!

With the mutual assistance of the two, a meal of six dishes and one soup was quickly prepared. Jiang Xiaoxiao greeted the other people to eat, and Zhong Tong served everyone a bowl of soup and a bowl of rice. .

"Oh, it's really touching that we, Mr. Zhong, have such a day, Datong, when will I be able to eat your cooking, so I will be hungry for three days and I will eat it~" Wu Ziqing took a deep breath of the food. Fragrance, said with a smile.

Zhong Tong glared at her, and said with a smile: "You should practice your own cooking skills, and you don't want to think that your future half will not be a pick!" After that, she looked at Ren Yue casually. , But found that she was actually picking up food for Xiaoxiao!

"You have worked so hard to cook such a large table of dishes. I didn't expect Xiaoxiao still remember that I like to eat this tomato scrambled egg. In the past few years, you have made it better than the hotel's food~" Ren Yue smiled softly I picked up a chopsticks dish for Jiang Xiaoxiao, and also for Grandma Zhang who was sitting next to me: "Grandma, you have to eat more~"

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