Is this really Home

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" you clorgbag " a high pitched scream was heard in the royal palace's courtyard 

" *chuckles* Are you really Queen Koriand'r daughter " the Tamaranean boy asked 

" why would you ever doubt it cousin " a very unusual Tamaranean girl asked 

" Because other than your looks you are nothing like Aunt Kori , aunt kori has patience but you get angry very fast , you are very talkative when you want to be but get bored very easily , you're very different Mar'i , why ?" The boy asked 

" I don't know , I am my father's daughter too you know , my be he gets angry to quickly , maybe that's why mom left him , what if mom leaves me too " Mar'i asked her cousin 

" why do think such things , aunt kori loves you " the boy fought 

" She loved him too , but she left him anyway " Mar'i said 

" I will never leave you Mar'i , I promise " the boy consoled 

End of Flashback~

Mar'i's pov

" you promised " I whispered looking at an old picture of me and moonfire (Ryand'r's son and can anyone suggest a better name)

I keep the picture on my bed and walk to my mother's room , she was out for her daily patrol on our , her home planet. I walked to her closet and search for an old bag , when I find a dusty box I pull it out and opened it , I found the bag I was looking for , it was my mother's from her time on earth , I opened it to find a diary , I kept it back in the bag and explored the box. I called it the forbidden box , I was never allowed in my mother's room because of it. 

In it I find a picture of a boy in red , green and yellow , at the bottom of the picture were the words 'remember me'.

"Father" I whispered , I heard footsteps I quickly grabbed the old bag and put the items of the box in it . I rushed out the window my Tamaranean genome allowed me to fly , I flew to our royal hangar (idk what Tamaraneans would call it ) and as I was trying to get to my mothers old ship 

" Mar'i" a voice called me 


" Mar'i , what are you doing my child, your mother will be so disappointed in you , stealing from your own house " he said 

"why ? , if it's my house then everything in it is mine , so does it really mean I'm stealing " I stated 

"where are you going ?" he questioned 

" home " 

" this is your home " he tried convincing me 

" this planet and its people have done nothing but humiliate me for who I really am , and I unfortunately can't lie to myself , there was only one person who really loved me , he promised to be by my side for ever , *sigh* but he's not here , I'm simply trying to fulfil his last wish by doing what I promised I would do "

" Mar'i , I'm grieving too , he was my son after all , but I'm not leaving everything behind to go and meet someone I have never even seen " he said

" who said I have never seen my father , I see him everyday , when I look at myself in the mirror I see the one reason I'm never accepted on this planet , I see my mother's mistakes , I see him , my father , besides you never need to leave because you have everyone here , I only have my mother who at this moment doesn't even know I'm missing "

" you were never a mistake mar'i , your mother raised you because she loves you " he said

" if you think anything you say is going to stop me , then you are wrong uncle "

" *small laugh* you really are his daughter..............Nightwing , the people of earth know him as Nightwing " he said , I stood there frozen in time , I finally knew my fathers name

"Nightwing" I whispered , my uncle walked toward me andembraced me

" stay safe Mar'i " he said and kissed my head

He walked me to my mother's ship , the one she used to come to Tamaran from earth , I bid him my final goodbye before leaving for earth , to my father , and my possible home.

AN : this is what I meant by 'not my everyday demonfire fluff fic" this will have a lot of family drama and even Mar'i's pov which you don't get to see in lot of my books , but I hope you enjoyed this <3

AN : this is what I meant by 'not my everyday demonfire fluff fic" this will have a lot of family drama and even Mar'i's pov which you don't get to see in lot of my books , but I hope you enjoyed this <3

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