Chapter one

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Astra and Astrid had been inseparable since birth, and only got closer as they grew up.  However they were polar opposites, like chalk and cheese, oil and water, one's a night owl, one's an early bird. Astrid always had her blond hair in a plait with her side fringe left out while Astra had her brunette locks up in a pony tail, she unlike Astrid didn't have a fringe. Astrid had steal grey eyes while Astra's were a deep blue. They also dressed quite different Astrid went for a blue top and brown leather skirt while Astra went for a black top, with a hood and trousers. They had similarities and differences in their personalities, they were both extremely competitive, fiercely loyal, stubborn, strong minded and brutally honest. However Astrid was an introvert, who rarely got in trouble, a great leader and always had a bright side. Astra on the other hand was an extrovert, extremely protective, sassy, sarcastic, mischievous, witty and sly. But they shared a love for combat, and fully lived out the family motto "its only fun if you get a scar out of it" both girls were covered in them and wore them proudly, for each had its own story of fighting dragons, or an army or a thrilling dare. They also have VERY different friends for the first 15 years of their lives. Astrid kept very much to herself, training day and night, she befriended some of the older warriors who helped her perfect her technique's and bring out the leader in her. While Astra made friends with Snotlout Jorgonson, an extremely competitive, confrontational, brutally frank, stubborn and highly sarcastic boy whom become her best friend. Fishlegs Ingerman, a big coward with a bigger heart, a great friend, very loyal and a nerd who loved to read and spill random facts. The Thornton twins Rufftut and Tuffnut who were both loud, mischievous, and had knowledge about the weirdest things. And finally Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third, son of the Chief of Berk Stoic the Vast. Hiccup was the complete opposite of a viking he was small, skrawny, shy and hated fighting and he like Fishlegs was a nerd. Once Astra became friends with him Stoic treated her as his own, "the son I never had" he used to say to her.  

It wasn't until the year they all turned 15 that these extremely different individuals became a group of friends after Hiccup shot down a night fury. 

*the night hiccup shot down toothless*

Hiccups POV: 

"I'm really glad you came with me" I said to Astra for the third time. She laughed "really I didn't know" I rolled my eyes and laughed. She's like my sister, my only real friend around here, well, her and Fishlegs. Tho I'm glad it's not Fishlegs that came with me, he's a bigger coward then I am, and thats saying something. While I was deep in thought about the fact I didn't notice that Astra had dragged me to the ground and had hidden us behind a bush. I looked at her confused, she put a finger to her lips then pointed down into a small Vally. It took everything for me to not gasp. 

Astra POV: 

It was beautiful, midnight black with glistening green eyes, I looked at Hiccup, his eyes were glued to the dragon. "ok" he walked towards the night furry with a small knife in his hand, I rolled my eyes, "he was never going to kill this dragon"I mumbled under my breath before following him. However another dragon flew down beside the night furry. I grabbed hiccup and pulled him into a near by bush. We argued about what kind of dragon it was for about 4 minutes. It looked like a night furry but it was a lighter colour, slightly bigger, and it had piercing black eyes. If you could see death then this would be it. But it was still, the most stunning Dragon I had ever lay my eyes on. "Its probably a female" hiccup said for the 4th time. "Its not, we know that there's only one night furry left it has to be a different kind of furry" I rolled my eyes. Hiccup looked at me worry in his face "you don't think thats a, a death furry do you" that was exactly what I was thinking what else would it be. "yup thats exactly what I'm thinking" I said as I made my way our of our hiding spot, and the rest, is history, me and hiccup trained the dragons, toothless and luna before Astrid found out then we found d the dragons nest the stoic attempted to take both dragons, luna got away, then me and hiccup rounded up my friends and the dragon riders was born, now 3 years later hiccup and I had grow restless inside the archipelago. I myself had several times had brought up the idea of going outside nits boundaries but stoic wouldn't let us, thats not to say I haven't thought about it, but Id hate to leave my friends and my sister for that length of time. But after our last encounter with Dagur the deranged Hiccup is as we speak in the great hall trying I convince his father and the commity to let us go. 


"HE SAID YES" Hiccup came running out of the great Hall, toothless at his heals holding the dragon eye. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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