"Yeah me neither", he admitted, "cmon darlin', let's see what we can find".


We found a whole fucking lot of stuff, and although I offered, Ezra declined letting me buy two birthday cards on his behalf; I insisted on buying him food when I heard his stomach rumbling though - he didn't say no to that.

"You have better food in America", I stated, looking down at my empty tray where a fucking beautiful burger and chips once sat, "feels like I spent 12 years eating shit in the UK".

"Yeah well, there's a lot more where that came from", he shrugged, "ever had mac and cheese on pizza?".

"That's a thing?", my eyes widened and he gave a thumbs up.

"I'll take you sometime", he told me and my heart rate quickened, "but first, I wanna take you for coffee".

"What have we been doing this whole time then?", I cocked my head a little and he bit his bottom lip, shifting in his seat a bit.

"That's been you buying them for me so I don't fall asleep in that fuckin' dump", he did a one-sided shrug and I chuckled, "I wanna take you, pay with my own money, and not have to rush back to the fuckin' library 'cuz they miss us".

"Ezra Reyes, are you asking me on a date?", I leaned forward with a grin and he smiled one of those smiles that literally made everyone else disappear and have me give him my full attention.

"Darlin' Delgado, that's exactly what I'm doin'", he winked and tossed the last few of his chips into his mouth, wiping his gloved hands on his shorts, "won't be for a little while, I need to work a couple shifts yeah?".

"Where do you work?", I asked after telling him there was no rush.

"My dad's garage", he glanced down where his food once was then gazed back up, "fixin' cars and shit".

"Sounds hot to me", I muttered and he smirked, "okay, you my friend have got yourself a date".


"You've got a what!", I'd been home no more than 90 seconds and I didn't wanna sugarcoat anything with my brothers, so I figured telling them the big news would go down a treat; or maybe I just did it to get a heated reaction out of them, "and you allowed her to go off with a boy?".

As predicted, Caleb was taking the news the best, I should've brought popcorn back for his performance.

"She's 16 Cub, what were you doing at her age?", Xav butt in after sending a wink in my direction.

"Fuck knows", he muttered, "so what? We're all okay with sending our sister off with a guy on a date?".

"Sending our sister where?", all of our heads turned to the top of the stairs where Xander was shooting daggers at everyone, "why am I the last to know about this?".

Xav picked at the drawstrings on his swimming shorts- don't even ask, Scott just stared into the abyss as if he wasn't even here right now, Caleb fixed the white cap on his head and looked at me expecting an answer while Zane....Zane just stared.

"It's not that big of a deal!", I exclaimed, running a hand through my hair, "I knew brothers were meant to be overprotective but damn you guys might as well lock me up".

"She's right", Caleb said solemnly while gazing at the floor, "Xander get the chains". I rolled my eyes at his teasing (or so I hoped) and Xander smirked with a shake of the head.

"Cut us some slack Bella, we have no idea how to raise a 16 year old girl", he sighed and Zane cleared his throat.

"The only one doing the raising is me", he twisted a ring on his middle finger, "and if I believe Isabella is mature enough to go on a date with Ezra, then she will be going on a date with Ezra". I had him wrapped around my little finger.

"If this goes wrong it's on you man", Caleb pointed a tattooed finger at our eldest brother who rolled his eyes.

"If this goes wrong", he gave me a side eye, "that boy will not see the light of day".

"Fuck yeah", Xander grinned - fuck me.


I was never one to toot my own horn...but fucking hell I looked good right now. My makeup was done, hair was curled, nails were painted and the dress was hugging my body perfectly; red was definitely my colour. I doused my body in perfume and slid on my shoes - some red Jordan's I was borrowing from Xav because we had the same fucking size; my door knocked and I turned towards it away from the mirror, calling out a 'come in'.

"You look....older", Caleb eyed me skeptically from the doorway, "how do I look?".

"I will take that as a compliment", I put a silver hoop earring in and looked him up and down, "uh, casual but professional".

He was in a casual suit: black trousers and black blazer with a white t-shirt; the fucking detailed skull tattoo on his neck even more prominent today.

"That's what I was going for", he nodded, "ready to leave in ten?". I nodded and he nodded back, tapping my door before leaving and closing it behind him; I couldn't wait for this party...

A/N - Party is coming next chapter - Sunday xx

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