Normal...too normal

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Kim quietly sat outside her patio, sketching two dove birds while sipping on her afternoon drinks (any you prefer for afternoon)

The Sun beamed over the whole terrace reflecting on the polished marble floors. It was an ardently hot day. Kim picked up a bowl of seeds and threw it across the patio, trying to call in more doves when jayden walked in scaring away the doves.

"Jayden! Are you kidding me..." Kim said placing the bowl aside.

"Kim,my apologies but why are you throwing seeds around the patio,knowing that it'll need more cleaning?"

"I'm calling in birds for my sketching...duh" Kim said rolling her eyes.

"Kim, manner please. The professor has been waiting for 20 minutes now and you've been drawing care-free, that's not very acceptable, is it?"

"Why is he here today?! It's friday can't I have a break..."

Jayden walked towards Kim, taking her book and lifting her off the armchair.

"Jayden...I wanna keep drawing please send the professor away?"

"You know I can't do that now get your stationary and head downstairs "

Kim grabbed jayden by the collar, leaning in for a simple kiss, but Jayden backed away and headed in.

"Don't take time, the professor is eagerly awaiting."

Once jayden left, Kim slouched on the armchair wondering why it was so hard for jayden to feel romantic around her;

See, jayden was chosen by Kim's mother. Jayden and kim new neither not ever met. It just happened & ever since they've been 'together' for a year. Kim and jayden do get along...I guess. Jayden lives with Kim and her parents in the Manor. Kim wants to feel romantic around jayden like in movies, but its not so easy with jayden's persona.

Kim rushed in her room and took her English books(Trolius and Criseyde by Geoffrey Chaucer)

As Kim rushed down the stairs, she saw the professor waiting for her while sipping on a 'french 75' (typa' drink)

"Ms Kim..."

Kim's Mother--"It's ms Albrecht to you, professor" Kim's mother said walking in the room.

Professor hogan--"Oh ms...Albrecht, good afternoon."

Kim's mother --"Kimmy, I heard that you were 20minutes late for the lesson and jayden had to bring you down here."

Kim looked behind her mother to see jayden politely standing across the room.

Kim--"Mom I was busy sketching-"

Kim's mother -- "Busy...busy sketching?! Kimmy do you know the meaning of busy?"

Mother and daughter--"Doing something important nor valuable with your time,  that you dont have anymore time for oblivious nuisance"

Kim said at the same pace with her mother who looked rather suprised

Kim's mother --"And for you....professor heugan... what's that in your glass?"

Professor hogan --"It's hogan- ahh my glass...Its uhm a-"

Jayden--"French 75 If I may say" jayden said strolling to the centre of the room

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