Schedule Update #1

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This is in Texas time so..

—wake up at 6 a.m. (possibly earlier bc.. iNsOmNiA)
—go to school (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)(no phones in school, so don't message me then, sorry)
—go home around 4-5 p.m. (if earlier then I checked out, or if I didn't go to school, I had a doctor's appointment or felt sick)
—do homework (if I have any)
—log onto Wattpad
—start working on a few books (while talking to Noirette_Simp 👀)
—dinner + meds around 6-7 p.m.
—sleep around 8-9

After this week, I'll be starting my winter break, which would be 2 weeks off of school. After my week off, I'll let another update out, but this is my schedule for the rest of December.

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