✧*̥˚ 3 *̥˚✧

Mulai dari awal

"Mom, can Lisa come over and help me with the snowman? She told me to ask you first." Ella was a bit breathless. Jennie could tell how excited she was that someone had time for her. How could she possibly say no. Also she wasn't opposed to seeing Lisa again. She could make good on her promise of the extra big adult hot chocolate she owed the Thai woman.

"Sure. Yeah."

"Nice! Thanks Mom." Ella shouted and slammed the glass door shut. 

What Jennie hadn't taken into consideration though was, how distracting it was to have the gorgeous Thai right outside her window in her garden, playing and joking around with her daughter in the snow. 

She waved to Jennie through the huge glass window when Ella pointed her out to Lisa. Where had she come from anyway? Had she climbed the tall garden fence? Was she Wonderwoman or Spiderman?

Jennie waved back with a smile, not quite being able to go back to her studies. 


"Is your girlfriend not here today?" Ella asked while she made snowballs just the way Lisa had shown her.

"I don't have a girlfriend." Lisa told her with a slight smile around her lips.

"You kissed the blonde woman." Ella raised her eyebrows at her Unnie. 

"Ella, remind me again, how old are you?" Lisa snickered at being interrogated like this. 

"I'm thirteen, I know how the world works. I know you don't kiss people on the lips if there is nothing going on."

"So what about you though? Boyfriend?" Lisa tried to turn this around on the nosey girl. "Girlfriend?" she added carefully.

"Neither." Ella said in a firm but pretty much unaffected tone. "There's literally no one good in my school. I can't wait to go to Highschool though."

"So, you're single." Lisa concluded with a knowing smile. "Me too. I seem to have the same problem as you. There's just no one good around."

"Mom is single too." Ella shrugged and Lisa left that uncommented. 

After a while of making so many small snowballs, Ella got a little confused.

"Unnie, how are we making a snowman out of these?"

"Oh, we're not making a snowman. We are getting ready for a snowball fight!" Lisa almost growled while grabbing a few snowballs and hurried away from Ella who had caught on just as quickly, grabbing snowballs as if her life depended on it.

"Unnie, you are so sly!"

"I know. Come catch me if you can!" Lisa laughed out loud and threw one lightly at Ella. She missed. 

Ella threw one back and they ran around the garden after each other, throwing snowballs around like crazy. Ella returned to their base for a reload and Lisa aimed at her but threw higher than anticipated. The snowball crashed against Jennie's living room window with a dull thud. 

Ella's eyes went wide and she began laughing out loud. Lisa hid her face behind her gloved hands and giggled. 

Inside the house Jennie almost jumped out of her chair, eyes looking around frantically for what happened. Then she saw the burst snowball on the window and cupped a hand over her beating heart. Jennie was a little scaredy cat by nature and loud noises did not make it any better. Disbelievingly, she glared out the window where her daughter and the Thai girl were having a laughing fit. 

"Fuck this." Jennie shut her laptop decidedly. She did not want to miss out on the fun any longer. Business could wait. 

She jumped up and got her coat and her gloves from the foyer. 

⋆*❅。.DECEMBER .。.:*☆ [✔]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang