Ch.12 {Part 1/1} Steel Plated Horror Vs The Gang

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Steel threw a punch but Metal blocked it
Zone: nice try idiot
Tabando: tch!
Steel tried barraging toward Zone, but he was stopped by Dirty Luck!
Mako: Final Countdown!
Final hit Tabando which made his shades fly off
Tabando: grr...I'll show you Mako!
Steel tries to hit Mako then...
His shades blew up and the glass hit Tabando!
Tabando: w...what the?!
Mako: pretty smart arnt I?
Tabando: no you are not, you are really stupid!
Mako snaps at that, that was not a good idea
Zone: oh no...
Cup: what have you done?!
Tabando: what did I do
Mako has Activated Beserk Mode
Mazze: Mako is really angry!
Zone: Metallic Madness!
Metal walls stop Mako from moving
Zone: that should hold him
Mazze: are you sure?
Zone: I hope so...
Cup: watch out!
Zone was hit by Steel!
Mako was hitting the steel
Cup: he's trying to get out!
Zone: don't worry about him, worry about Tabando!
Now it was Cup and Tabando
Cup: you will pay for this!
Steel and Luck barraged punch at each other, then Steel threw another punch
Tabando: your mine now!
Cup: I don't think so!
Luck shot three bullets at Tabando!
Cup: got you! Now take this!
Luck struck Steel and made a vicious clank!
Tabando: wait...this kids ability...!
Luck barraged Tabando for 7 minutes and then struck him, making him crash into his desk breaking it in the process!
Cup: and that's why you don't mess with us!
The metal banging had stopped
Zone gets up and snaps, making the walls disappear
Mako was lying on the floor worn out
Mazze: phew looks like he's worn out
Zone pick up Mako and puts him on his shoulder
Zone: we are done with this place
Mazze: yup
Cup tries to open the door
Cup: huh looks like its still locked
Zone: don't worry, I got this
Zone launches his arm and grabs Tabando's Keys and unlocks the door, then the gang left the office
Tabando got up and got up some super secret stairs...
CH.12 End [To Be Continued]

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