Ch.7 A Heavy Feeling

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After Cup and his friends had gotten back from school they went to Cup's house.
Cup then runs in and hugs Susie
Susie: oh Hello Cup! What's wrong?
Cup: the principal was being mean about you!
Susie: aww...don't worry, I will tell the police about this
Susie leaves to go report what happened.
Zone was typing on Susie's computer
Mazze: any luck?
Zone: yeah the school wasn't owned by Jones
Cup: who was it?
Zone: a company called Mystery Wings
Mazze: I see...where is this company at?
Zone: lemmie take a look.
Zone started typing again
Cup: well?
Zone: the company lives on an island next to this country, we will need to get a boat to get to that island
Cup: wow...a boat?
Mazze: that's not good at all
Zone: no, not at all.
Cup: don't worry we can do this!
Zone: you are right but, how are we gonna get on that boat?
Mazze: that is very are we gonna get on?
Cup: isnt boats quiet expensive?
Zone: wait a minute
Mazze: what?
Zone: we can find a boat and drive over there
Mazze: that's crazy, I like it!
Cup: yeah!

how are we gonna get on?Cup: isnt boats quiet expensive?Zone: wait a minuteMazze: what?Zone: we can find a boat and drive over thereMazze: that's crazy, I like it!Cup: yeah!|~meanwhile~|

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Zejo was planning as usual...he was typing along on his computer and then there was a knock.
Zejo: come in.
Tabando walked into the office of Zejo Smith

Tabando: Mr Jones has been defeated by CupZejo: what?! I knew he couldn't be trusted

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Tabando: Mr Jones has been defeated by Cup
Zejo: what?! I knew he couldn't be trusted...
Tabando: what should we do boss?
Zejo thought about it and then got up from his chair
Zejo: shut down the school.
Tabando: are you sure?
Zejo: I am!
Tabando: yes sir
Tabando walks out of the office
Zejo: no one will expose me, not anyone.
Back with the gang++++++++++
Susie entered the house
Susie: I am back boys!
Cup: mom!
Zone: we got some news for you
Susie: oh really?
Cup: we are gonna go to Mystery Wings and expose them for their corruption
Susie: I am glad to hear that dear, I will book you the boat to that island. Just make sure you come back by midnight
Cup: no worries mom, I got this
They got up and left
Susie: good luck, my son...
To be continued

Cup's Adventure Part 1: The Shadows TerrorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin