Pyronica knocks on the door four times which I'm guessing is a message. There were threes knocks before the music started making me want to cry again. I despise this song. The door opens to reveal this beautiful place. I was amazed by the beauty of the room. I bet it caused billions of dollars just to make this place so beautiful and mesmerizing.

Pyronica wraps her arms around mine as she walks me down the aisle taking me to sadly Bill Cipher. The clicking of my heels echoes through the room with the 'here comes the bride' song. The emotions I'm feeling at this moment are something you'll never want to experience in your life. I just want to run but I can't. Oh how much I want to scream and cry at this unfortunate fate.

When we sadly made it to the stand Bill stretch out his black-gloved hand for me to grab which I did NOT want to do but the look he gave me told me I should grab his hand. I took hold of his hands as he leads me to my spot. He continues to hold my hand while the preacher who looks scared for his life said some speeches, but it wasn't about God it was about the marriage and what will happen.

Like now he just said that once we both say I do the marriage can never be broken. My heart stops when I heard that. I don't want to do this. For the rest of his speech about marriage, I blocked out. I didn't want to hear anymore. I was soon bought back into my senses when the preach asked that one question I dread. "Would you Bill Cipher take Dipper Pines to be your wife?"

'Please say no! Please say no!' I plead mentally but deep down I know he will say I do and when he says I do I have to do the same. "I do," I heard him say loud and clear, his voice filled with love and possession. "Do you Dipper Pines take Bill Cipher to be your Husband?" The preacher asked me mouthing out "sorry" to me. I honestly feel sorry for myself too. Sadly I have to answer his question.

"I-i do" I stuttered out trying not to let my tears out. The preacher cleared his throat before saying "know then, take out your hand please," I and Bill took out our hands. The preacher turns around to grab something from the table behind him. I wonder what he's about to do? He turns back around holding what looks like a ritual knife. Oh, you got me all the way fucked up! I wanted to so bad move away but Bill froze me in my place. This bitch!

The preacher went to Bill's hand carved an infinite with a rose on the left and a rose on the right. When he finished he went to me carving the same symbol as him. This hurts! I didn't know your hands will feel like it's on fire! When he finished carving the symbol into my hand he puts the knife down on the table. "Know put your hands together." We did just that. Well, I didn't. Bill forced me using his magic.

Our hands glowed a bright blue and yellow before it died down to reveal our healed hands and the infinite symbol tattooed on the back of my hand. The infinite was black, the rose on the left is yellow while the rose on the right is blue. "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, You may now kiss the bride." Bill's fingers softly pull the veil over my head revealing my face. He places his hands on my cheeks staring into my brown eyes that desperately want to let out tears. He without warning pulls me into a kiss surprising me.

Every demon in this room including the preacher claps their hands shouting "Congratulations!" "You get him, Bill!" "Our Queen is beautiful!" "They are the most beautiful married couple I've ever seen" that's all I heard as Bill continues to kiss me with his surprisingly soft lips that feel like a soft pillow made out of clouds. I didn't know I even melted into the kiss until Bill pulled away disconnecting our lips.

"Seem like you enjoyed it" he smirks sending a shiver down my spine. "I did not!" I whisper-yelled receiving a dark chuckle from Bill. He leans into my ear giving it a little cat lick. "We'll see about that later on" he pulls away from my ear sending me a wink. "Known for one last thing!" The preacher shouts. What know! I'm already pissed that I'm married to this asshole forever!

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