Chapter 1

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I was walking in the park all by myself. At my high school I don't have any friends. It was late winter and my hands were cold and red, I bent down and grabbed a ball of snow, the pain of coldness in my body gave me shivers but that wasn't enough to shake my soul.
I don't have any reasons to continue to live.
While walking I saw two couples kissing like crazy my eyes were red and full of tears I was disgusted by the scene. Every single girl in my class had a boyfriend at least a year older. Can you imagine being the only kid left out in the whole sad world.
I tried changing my self.
I dressed differently, talked differently and practiced making my laugh cuter. When I arrived that day at school no one noticed me so I changed back to the old me.
Every afternoon I go for a walk at the park near my house even if there is a storm I need to get used to being hurt.
The wind was blowing and I felt it like needles on my bare white skin.
Everybody ran in their houses to protect themselves from the coldest wind of the whole year. As I continued walking I stopped at an electronic shop there were lot's of tv's on display and we're all on the same channel, the news.
The news warned that a severe snow storm was arriving.
I wasn't scared at all, I was prepared. I went back to the path of the park and continued walking.
My body was frozen I couldn't feel anything I couldn't feel my hands and my heart until...

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