3. Idiot

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Classes were going normally, Carla was still not paying attention while she read her comics that she hid behind the class books and the brunette made random drawings in the back of his notebook, but the recess bell and everyone left the classroom; They both went to the cafeteria for lunch, once they had their lunches they sat at the same table as always.

-Oh God!- Carla said while eating her ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomato -Mew, it's her, it's her!- she whispered half shouting

-Who?- the chestnut's brain still did not work well enough to remember who his friend was talking about

-The girl from the bar, the girl I saved from falling, do you remember her?-

-Ohh her, yes of course I remember her... that girl- he lied and Carla didn't pay attention to her

-Damn, I think he saw me- she murmured -You think I take me for a stalker- she said worriedly

Mew turned her eyes to where her friend was looking and realized that she was looking at a girl with pink hair, the brunette opened his eyes when he realized who was next to the girl with pink hair.

-I think if you keep looking at her like that, she will take you for a stalker- she said while biting her apple -I know the boy next to her, he took me to the infirmary when I crashed because of my stupidity-

As if he had heard what he said, the brunette's eyes collided with green for a few seconds making Mew feel a strange sensation in her stomach, she hoped it wasn't nausea again.

-Really!?- Carla shouted in her friend's ear

Mew nodded irritated by the scream of his friend, from afar he could see how the black-haired's cheeks were somewhat red, they seemed to have a life of their own, whenever he looked at him or said something to him, he blushed.


-Well, go and make me introduce myself to her friend!- she said enthusiastically

-What?- I look at her confused -Are you serious?- he asked when it was obvious that Carla wanted to go out with the girl with pink hair.

-Yes, yes, yes, please- he said with a glint of glitter in his eyes

-Okay...- the brunette got up from his chair, completely forgetting his lunch and put on his best smile to go where the black-haired man

-Gulf!- he said putting his best smile and using his most sympathetic tone -How are you?-

-Well...- he said surprised and with his characteristic flushed cheeks

-She's my friend...- said the brunette pointing at her

-Hi, nice to meet you- she said looking directly at the girl with pink hair greeting her with a kiss on the cheek -I'm Carla and you are?-

-I'm Andrea- she said smiling at Carla

Mew smiled, satisfied that he had managed to get Carla to talk to the girl he liked, he dedicated himself to paying attention to his friend's movements, to tell the truth it would be quite useful to learn from her, that way he would get a girl on a Saturday night; Mew looked at the girl with pink hair, she scratched him, staring at him and it was as if they poured a bucket of cold water on her, Andrea had each eye a different color and the chestnut's mind collapsed... the memories of the night before came to his mind and his arm was still on the gay boy's shoulders.

-You're the boy from the bar- Andrea said accusingly pointing at him -It's strange that you're hugging a gay boy, considering your phobia-

Mew paled, at first he felt hot then cold and then nothing, he knew he was sweating, this was too much for him; I was touching a gay boy, today I kiss a gay boy, let a gay boy heal his nose.
The brunette slowly took his arm out and got up quickly without looking at the black-haired man, the nausea returned to him and he covered his mouth on instinct.

No soy gay. Mi novio sí - MewGulfWhere stories live. Discover now