1) the old farmhouse

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I woke up to the sound of the tree branches whirling with the howling wind against my window. I lay in bed for a moment trying to tolerate the annoying scratching against the window. Before I could fully sit up my alarm went off. The sound gave me ptsd from all those times I woke up early for college. I forced myself to get up and turn off the alarm so I could get ready for the day.

A day of editing another video for youtube.

I love my job. I love it really, the people I meet and the lessons I learn as I go along really help me become a better person. I love making these videos of me talking to spirits, it brings me joy and gives me something to do. I just don't like editing. It takes forever to get at least 10-30 minutes of a video done. But its worth it.

Subscribers: 111k
Videos: 36
Most viewed video: "Speaking To The Spirit Of The Villisca Ax Murder"
Views on video: 3.6 million
Overall channel likes: 6.9 million likes

I walked down the stairs of my small tree house on the edge of my grandparents 10.4 acre property. My grandparents bought the land of a small farmhouse in the 1950's. It was originally built in 1666. Its super haunted with tons of spiritual activity. This is the place where I realized I had my ability to communicate with the dead. I've been doing it ever since I was a baby. Now I am 22.
Sadly, my grandparents passed a few years ago. My parents now own the property even though I still like to call it my grandparents land. The house is open to tours, so people can visit and try to talk with the spirits.
Sometimes I will help with tours and people who spend the night. Some people say that the house is one of the most haunted houses in the United States I just say its my home.
I have always wanted a place of my own. But I'm so connected to the land that I built a small tree house that I live in on the edge of the property. Its peaceful. Quite sometimes, but sometimes a little more quiet than usual. The spirits have been very skittish recently. I myself can't explain why. Whatever is scaring them off is strong because I can't see it.

"Goodmorning Mom!" I said walking into the houses side door.

"JESUS." she jumped, "oh. you scared me!"
she said as she walked up from the basement carrying a small box.

"I scared you?"

"Weren't you just in the basement?" she said placing the box down on the living rooms coffee table.

"What.. no. It's probably the other spirits you saw. Whats in the box?"

"Don't know. Someone must've left it." she said opening it.

I peered over her shoulder looking into the box. In the box a hoodie and a sticker with an 'X' on them sat.

"Those corny Youtubers. Always finding a way to advertise." mother scoffed walking the box to the trash outside as Lily walked with her.

They talked about recent guests at the house and why the spirits might be acting strange.

Later that night after Lily was done editing a video for her channel, she wanted to get a closer look at what was in the box.

She ran before the trash truck came to the dumpster, running across the lawn to her tree house. She opened the box and inspected the merchandise before throwing the box under her bed and going to sleep for the night.


hello!! :)) hope u enjoyed the first chapter if you have any comments or advice please let me know! much more coming soon. have a great day/night/afternoon!

-loepki <3

p.s. make sure to drink water and take care of yourself! you are loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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