chapter 6

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Scarlett's pov

I woke up the next day with Toby by my side, his arms wrapped around me. Protecting me. In his arms I truly felt safe and secure. I knew today I would have to talk about my father and ask for time to go to his funeral. I knew Laurie would allow it but it still terrifies me to ask her. I kept tossing and turning at that thought and Toby must've awoken by it.

"Darling, what's wrong?" he asked in his husky morning voice.

"Did I wake you?" I ask.

"Maybe a bit, now what's wrong?" He looks me in the eyes.

"I am afraid about asking for time, I know that Laurie will say yes. I'm just worried, going back home after how I left. I never got to say goodbye to my father."

"I know it scares you but I promise it'll be alright. I'll be with you the entire time." he cupped my cheeks.

"I don't know what I would do without you Toby, I really wouldn't." I placed my hand on his abs.

"I don't know what i would do without you either, but i am here and with you."

"Can we go get ready? The faster we go, the faster I get it over with."

"Yes, of course." we get up and get dressed.

After we finished getting ready and headed to the car. From there to the set where I went to see Laurie, holding onto Tobys hand tightly. I went to find her and asked for a moment alone with her.

"Hey Scarlett, what's up?" she asked.

"I wanted to ask you for a week off with toby." I squeezed tobys hand.

"Why and why with toby?"

"My father died yesterday and I need to go home for his funeral. Toby is accompanying... umm..."

"I am accompanying Scar because she is hurt and needs a friend to reside in with her loss as I know how it feels to lose a family member. It would be greatly appreciated."

"Of course you guys can go for the next week. I am so sorry to hear about your father Scarlett, I hope you feel better."

"Thank you Laurie, it means a lot to me."

"Of course." she walks away.

"See, i told you darling." He kissed my temple.

"Yes thank you my love." I hugged him.

"Look, Scar and Toby have made up!" Torrance shouted.

"Torrance I love you and everything but shut the hell up!" Toby said.

"What with all the lovey dovey stuff, I thought Scar was avoiding you?"

"We made up ok!" I yelled.

"What's with all the secret stuff?"

"Scar and I are going away for a week."


"Scar, should I tell him or do you want to?"

"I'll tell him..." I gulped, "My dad... um... he died yesterday and I asked Toby to accompany me for the funeral."

"Oh Scar, I'm sorry." Torrance hugged me.

"It's alright. I'll be fine." I pushed him away.

"Scar you're needed for the last scene of today." Celina came in and pulled me away.

(As Mary enjoys the party, her mother interrupts her)

MARIE DE GUISE: I have some news to share. Turns out the English queen isn't dead after all.

MARY: The English queen is alive?

MARIE DE GUISE: Catherine's aware. But I would keep the news to yourself.

MARY: You did this. To see me married.

MARIE DE GUISE: The messenger's news was flawed. No one could blame that on me. Or you. Everyone needs a little push on occasion. Even queens. Even France. All happiness comes with a price. And you paid yours with another's broken heart.

MARY: Sebastian...

MARIE DE GUISE: Will survive.

(Greer interrupts)

GREER: It's time for the consummation.

MARY: A moment, please.

(Mary waits for Greer to walk away before she gives her mother a piece of her mind)

MARY: Get out. Get out of my life. Get out of France.

MARIE DE GUISE: I know you're angry. But you have everything you ever wanted.

MARY: And more power than you.

MARIE DE GUISE: I'm your mother. I am ruling Scotland for you...

MARY: Do that. And mind me, do it well. When I return to Scotland, to our home, it will either be because you have failed or because you are dead.

"And CUT!" Laurie yelled, "great job everyone. We are taking a week off while Toby and Scarlett are away. I will see you all next week."

Everyone walks away and I go to toby.

"We need to book tickets and pack. Could we leave tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Of course, we'll go to my apartment and we'll buy the tickets. You'll help me pack tonight and tomorrow we will go to your apartment and pack your clothes before going to the airport. Is that alright with you" he pulled me close as we walked.

"That's wonderful. Thank you my love." I pecked his cheek.

We continued to walk back to the car and went to Toby's apartment for the night. We opened his computer and looked for tickets back to NYC. We each bought one ticket one to go there and back. After we packed a suitcase for him, we got into bed. We enjoyed each other's pleasures. We were quite the wild pair together. Rambunctious, vigorous, and fun. After a very wild night, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

*the next morning* (3am)

I felt someone nudging me, trying to wake me. It was Toby, he kept trying to wake me up.

"Toby, what time is it?" I asked sleepily.

"It's 3 in the morning," he said.

"Nooooooo! Too early!" I whined.

"Darling the flight is at 7 in the morning. We have to get your things packed before we go to the airport." he whispered to me.

"I don't wanna..." I whined.

"I'll make you coffee..." he whispered.

"You know it's my weakness, why would you do this to me!" he laughs.

"Then get up and I'll make it for you." I smiled.

"Alright, fine my love." he leaned over to kiss me.

I indulged in the kiss. I turned over to hold his face closer to me. I finally released as he started to get up. He went to the kitchen and I went to the bathroom. I stole one of his hoodies and sweatpants, boy were they comfortable. I brushed my teeth and put up my hair, then went to the kitchen mainly for my coffee. I walked into the kitchen to see his face light up.

"Stealing my clothes now are we?" he smiled.

"They were just laying there, begging to be worn. Do you want them back?" I asked him.

"No no keep them, it looks great on you, better on you than me." I walked to him and looked him in the eye.

I stared at him in the eyes as I turned to the counter and took my coffee. I took a sip as Toby wrapped his arms around my waist and nibbled on my ear. Nibbled and kissed down my neck, then onto my cheek.

"What are you up to?" I asked.

"Trying to show you how much I love you. Because it is true, I love you."

"I know you do, and I love you too."

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