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TW: Mentioning of SH and Su!c!de

Flashback to when I had pink hair. I want this back so bad ugghhhh. If only I had money :')

I'd really like to get it done by my hairdresser but it's so expensive *cries in just spent all their money on a new phone*


Can someone teach me how to die without actually dying? 'Cause I'm so done with this shit rn lmao

My life is complicated in so many ways and I don't even know where to begin. I have nothing to complain about, because I've got a great life and everything is going alright. There's just so much going on and I don't know how to handle stuff.

But the good news is: My bestfriend found a new purpose in life and doesn't want to k!ll himself rn so yay. It's so much progress bc less than a week ago he was crying in my arms about how he wasn't able to do this anymore. And to break it down, his wrists looked worse than mine did a year ago and that's BAD. 

But happy things happy things.

Last Friday was a day in my country called 'Purple friday' to show your support to the LGBTQ+ community. Our school was decorated completely with rainbows and purple stuff. Half of the school was dressed in purple and there was a complete classroom were you could get ur nails done, ur hair sprayed purple and get schmink. Everything was so gay and I loved it.

Here's my look:

Here's my look:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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