Questions or something

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so i'll just be here answering these questions. (updated july 28th 2023)

1: Nah

2: Nope, but I'm willing to try something once

3: Yes.

4: yesss

5: yup, just small shit tho

6: Not yet, but I reaaaally want tattoos

7: Yes.

8:  I've watched way too many shows!! I love glee new girl friends and that type of stuff 

9:  Grease. Yea I know it's kinda problamatic, but I just love it so so so much for all the other parts.

10: Tornado Warnings - Sabrina Carpenter, Summer 2019 - Caroline Culver Rose colored lensen - Miley Cyrucs and honestly everything  by Taylor and Conan Gay

11: There are so many kind of artists, but I love Picasso's work because it makes you look different at things. And if we're talking music there are wayyy to many people that I love.

12: Taylor Swift and Conan Gay. I'm also still obsessed with a Dutch group that makes music mainly for kids, called k3. 

13: Probably the performance of out school musical Mamma Mia. We had the greatest time of our lives. My best friends  (at the time, I don't talk to most of them now sadly enough) were there with me and we did the thing we love most. Everyone was just so happy. 

14: This one also changes a lot, but right now I'll have to say We'll always have summer by Jenny Han

15: Invisibilaty. I am a very stalkerish person so that would make me very happy.

16: Depends on my mood. Right now I'd say cake.

17: It used to be facebook but rn I think twitter. I just use it a lot more as I'm deeply into stan twitter. Facebook is an amazing platform for stalking tho.


19: Blind, because I need music to survive. I think being blind could have it's adventages. I catch myself judging people on their looks unconsciously. If I was blind I wouldn't have that. I am working on it though, but I was raised by very judgemental parents. 

20: I used to have different opinions on (iced) tea and coffee but it shifted with my caffeïne addiction. Now it's coffee always and forever.

21: I turnn 16 tomorrow

22: I'm a Leo 😌 And yes, I am very stereotypical, I am absolutely in love with myself. But who wouldn't be, I'm amazing.

23: 173 centimeters. I think that's like 5'6/5'7 ?

24: Bi-swagg-sual

25: It lasted for a year and 2 months.

26: Why is there even a question on this? Ofcourse there should be gay rights. Everyone deserves to be treated with the same respect and opportunities. If you disagree with this please leave my page right now.

27: Depends on how bad the situation is. I do believe people can change but I'm not really a forgive and forget person. If you did me wrong, I'll always be cautious with you.

28: Ofcourse it could work, I'm just not sure if I would be able to do that myself.

29: Your body. Your choice.

30: I'm so glad it's illegal in my country. First of all, I think you'd punish people more by keeping them locked up than by death. And second, I think that a human life shouldn't ever be taken away on purpose by another person. 

31: Slay, have fun but don't die pls.

32: Love is the greatest thing to ever exist. It's also the hardest (that's what she said). Love can put you in so much trouble, that the only thing that can save you, is love itself. Everyone deserves to be loved. So to everyone reading this, I love you.

33: Yes, in some way. I truly believe that there are spirits just chillin' out here on earth. I just don't know if every death person remains as a ghost. I also doubt if they can truly reach out to you. Because if so, why has my grandpa never visited me? It confuses me a lot.

34: closed. 

35: yuppp

36: Most of the time, yes. I do have these breakdowns where I feel like shit and think really bad about myself, but per usual I think I'm a pretty decent person. 

Soooooo that was it. In the comments here I'll tag some people to do this next hehe.

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