
Start from the beginning

Ymir: move your ass!, hurry up and get Bertholdt

Reiner: ok ok calm down



Annie: sorry about Bertholdt

Reiner: bertholdt would not wish for it, princess annie, im here to tell you to stay close to ymir, she will watch over you and histroia for now

Annie: for now?

Reiner: yes, im going to break Bertholdt out

Annie: wait reiner, lets just talk to my father first, i think he can be reasoned with, i wasn't hurt after all

Reiner: he sentenced Bertholdt his most trusted knight to be beheaded, you said it yourself you weren't hurt, but still Bertholdt will die for it? no, Im not going to wait for an opportunity, i have to make my own

Annie: we

Reiner: please princess if you get hurt it wont be worth it,

Annie: but this can't be our first option can it?

Reiner: i don't know, and its my option im the only one who should be risking this

Annie: i got him in trouble i should-

Reiner: nope, Bertholdt would never forgive me if i let you get involved

Annie: i asked him to take me to the battlefield in the first place, i think im already involved

Reiner: do you know what he'd do for you?

Annie: ...everything

Reiner: yes

Annie: because he is my knight

Reiner: ..well yea i guess that too

Annie: too? What else is thier?

Reiner: ill let him tell you that when i get him back princess

Annie: we

Reiner: annie please! Im sorry but i cant, i know what Bertholdt wants and he doesn't want this

Annie: this? What is this?

Reiner: you going out in danger just to try to help him

Annie: i know how to fight, i can defend myself...i order you to take me with you

Reiner: that wont work, soon ill be defying the king too so i wont be a knight anymore

Annie: im going whether you want me to or not

Reiner: ....shit, just please stay close and tell me if you get hurt

Annie: don't worry i can protect myself

Reiner: ..yea...well lets start operation hoover rescue



King leonhart: hoover, anything to say?

Bertholdt: is princess annie ok?

King leonhart: i meant say something to deffend yourself

Bertholdt: .....

King leonhart: speak

Bertholdt: ...

King leonhart: were you not against it? You will die hoover, you should say something before then

Bertholdt: of course i was against it, its dangerous but i did it because she asked, thats all

King leonhart: beheading is quick, almost instant, hopefully you wont feel it

Bertholdt: one last request, i don't want her there to see it, stuff like that she shouldn't see

King leonhart: and yet you took her to the war ground

Bertholdt: would you allow my friends to visit me?

King leonhart: i will consider it

Bertholdt: then i will thank you for the last time my king

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