chapter 1

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i don't know how to start so, I just start

y/n pov

I'm currently on a Ferry standing on the railing looking on the calm water waiting for my wife, who is in the restroom calling Secretary Ross, cause he is searching us. I'm always a little bit ill on boats but the fresh air is helping. I am so in my thoughts that I didn't hear my wife coming until she wrapped her arms around my waist and hold me close.
„Hey moyà lyubov" (my love) she says and gives me a kiss on to cheek „Hi" I say and snuggle deeper in her embrace. „How are you?" „I'm fine, just a little dizzy" „Oh, do you want to get in the car again?" „No, I'm fine here in your arms" „Ok" she tries to give me a kiss on the cheek again, but I turn around and her lips land on mine, she is confused for a moment but kisses almost immediately back, the kiss turns out be a very sweet and loving kiss. After a minute I pull away. She smiles at me for a moment I give her a short kiss before I turn around and lay my head on her shoulder, while my Hands land on hers who are still save around me. We stand in this position for a while, until the horns sounds and we must go back in our car.

We are now in our car, waiting that the ferry arrive. as soon as the car ramp has moved out we are on the roads of Norway. I'm looking out of the window in the beautiful nature, while we are on the way to the grocery store, I feel suddenly like I must throw up. I tell Nat as fast I can, without throwing up, to stop the Car. She pulls over to the right side and stops, I jump out the car, run in the field and throw up. Nat runs after me, she sees what I'm doing and comes to me. She rubs my back and hold my hair. After I finish I hug my wife thigh, she hugs me even tighter and wispers in my ear if I'm ok, I nod in her neck. I can say she felt it, cause in the next moment she stands up with me in her arms and goes back to the car. Nat sits with me in her arms down in the passenger seat . The hohle time she rubs circles on my back and whispers sweet things in my ear . I didn't know I was tired until I fell asleep in her arms.

Nat pov

I feel that y/n's breathing got slower after a few minutes, I look down and see her asleep snuggled in my neck. I say her „I love you" even if she can't hear me , I stand up again and sit her back down in the seat, buckle her up and give her one last kiss on the cheek before I go to the driver side and begin to drive again.

After an hour y/n starts to wake, I rub my thumb over her hand as she starts to open her eyes.
„hey detka, have you had a good sleep"(baby)
„Do you know what was wrong?"
„No, I suddenly felt like throwing up and you know the rest" she mumbled tired.
„ Yeah, we are in 10 minutes at the store, do you need something else?"
„I don't know, what is at the caravan?"
„Everything except food and hygiene products "

We drive the rest of the way in a comfortable silence, until I look at her and see that  y/n looks peaceful out the window, I rub her hand say „ I love you medovyy" (honey) she turns her head around and answers „ I love you too baby" before she gives me a kiss on the cheek and smiles. We arrive at the store and i tell her that she can stays in the car. Surprisingly she does what i told her and snuggles in the jacket that laid in her lap. I get everything that we decided to and one thing more. A pregnancy test. Yeah, we are trying to get pregnant for over two years and I have a feeling that it finally worked.

I pay and get back to the car without saying anything. I get in and give her a kiss wich she returned and it turns out to be an loving and passionate kiss after two minutes we both pull away to take a breath. I sit down in the seat and continue to drive to the caravan away from the city.


this is the first part and i know it's not so long, but i don't know if the other chapters are going to be longer. i hope you liked it .

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