Chapter 2 - Preparing for UA

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"A-Are you s-sure this will work...?"

"It has to. We've ruled out all of the flaws of the previous prototype."

"Y-Yeah, b-b-but...what if it goes wrong again!?"

"It will not. There is no way that this could fail again."

"Y-Y-Yeah, but remember w-what h-happened...last time-?"

The speaker was a small, plump monster dressed in a lab coat, with an expression of pure fear and dread on her dinosaur-esque face, her yellow scales looking almost green in the dim light.
Her large dark brown eyes shifting from a large machine covered by an even larger cloth and the second speaker.

"I could never have forgotten that. It is why this must succeed."

This second speaker was a taller skeleton, dressed also in a lab coat. The bright light of the monitor was highlighting all of the crevices in her scarred face and arms. The look on that scarred face was determined, confident.
The skeleton looked back at the monitor, an entry from years ago sprawled across in unreadable dialogue. She spoke again.
"Looking at the readings from the original design, you can see the flaws, why it... why it failed, and how to fine-tune it to perfection."

"I-I'm sorry, I-I've just g-got this....this horrible feeling that something's going to go wrong!"

The skeleton showed a slight smile and swivelled her chair to face the other monster. "Alph, relax. Just a few hours ago, you approved this. You're the Royal Scientist, best of the best."

Alphys looked flustered. "Y-Yeah, b-b-but... y-you''re Lucida, Daughter of the greatest Royal Scientist, W.D. Gaster! The Underground can't afford to lose you, too!"

"That is why this must work." Her voice took on a grave tone.
Suddenly, Lucida stood. She turned to the covered machine.

"This is it, then..." Lucida uncovered it, before standing in front of it.

"N-No, y-you c-can't do this....! P-Please, everyone needs you! I-It may go w-wrong!"

Lucida let out a small smile, before softly saying, "Alphys, people don't need me, but they do need you. Undyne, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, everyone. Now please, let this experiment commence."

With silent tears flowing down her face, Alphys typed in the command for the device to activate.

"If this fails..." Lucida's voice could barely be heard over the loud rattling of the machine. "Tell everyone... I ' m ... s o r r y "


Those were the final words that left Lucida's mouth before the darkness from the machine became blinding and she was gone when the light returned.


Lucida's eyes flew open, pure black with no irises. She looked around, seeing a minimalistic living room around her and a dark grey couch beneath her. She sighed and blinked, trying to take in what happened. Lucida looked down at her hands, seeing them scarred and spidery like usual.

Then the memories from the previous few days hit Lucida like a ton of bricks and she took her phone out, reading the text she recieved the previous night. The message written in WingDings sent chills down her spine and an unpleasant feeling in her gut.

"Oh, you're awake." A tired voice said from one side of the room. Lucida looked at the source, seeing a middle aged man with long black hair wearing a dark sweater. Lucida remembered his name was Aizawa.

Lucida nodded, switching her phone off and standing up.

"Follow me into the kitchen, then let's talk about your quirk." Aizawa said, returning to the kitchen.

"Alright." Lucida followed the adult into the kitchen.

Once they'd both eaten and Aizawa had a cup of coffee, the two started talking.

"Your quirk is that you can summon and manipulate bones and 'Gaster Blasters' and also teleport, right?" Aizawa asked.

"Yep, I can do other stuff but mainly those things." Lucida confirmed.

"Why didn't you mention these other things before?" Aizawa asked, a little irritated.

"Guess I forgot." Lucida shrugged.

Aizawa deadpanned. "What are these other things you can do?"

"Let's see.... I can make barriers, see people's souls and control them, make a sort of pocket dimension where I can fight people one on one.... um.... freeze time in a space for a short period of time....make weak flames, I think... I can heal people... aaaand that's about it." Lucida said casually, as if it were normal to have a lot of overpowered quirks.

Aizawa stared at the girl like she had said the most nonsensical thing in the world.

"Uh... is there anything wrong with that?"

"Uh, yeah. It's literally impossible for someone to have that many quirks."

"Hm... last time I checked, I could do all of those things. I can show you if you want."

"I was planning on getting you to show me anyway so alright." Aizawa said, sipping his coffee.

Lucida took a sip of her own cup of coffee. "Alright. When?"

"As soon as possible."

"Then why not now?" Lucida said with a slightly childish grin on her face.

"Wait, what-" Aizawa said, caught off-guard.

Lucida snapped her fingers for effect and they were both sealed in almost a bubble, they were still in the room but there was a shiny film over anything that could get damaged.

"Behold, a barrier. Try breaking it." Lucida said with a smile.

Aizawa blinked a few times while keeping his usual dull face. "You managed to make a barrier that covered this whole room in less than a second?"

"Sure did!"

"Right...can you show me some other aspects of your quirk?"

Lucida nodded and what looked like a giant goat's skull appeared out of nowhere and floated in the air. "I'd suggest you cover your eyes."

Aizawa had barely time to react before the goat skull opened its mouth and a beam of light shot out of it and blasted the edge of the barrier. When the light died down, the barrier was intact and the Blaster de-summons.

Lucida summons a wall of bones from the ground and summons more blasters and they shoot through the bones with ease. She looks at Aizawa to see his reaction.

Aizawa stared at Lucida, at the amount of control over her power Lucida had. Lucida teleported further away from him and pulled his soul outside his body. Aizawa's soul was a deep shade of purple, showing the colour of perseverance.

"What the.." The black haired man stared down at the purple and red heart that came from his chest.

"That is your soul, the very culmination of your being." Lucida explained, the soft light from the soul gently illuminating her white skin and dark black crevices in her face.

"So humans really do have souls, huh."

"Mhm. Your soul, as you can see, is a swirl of purple and bright red. Purple represents Perseverance and red stands for Determination."

Lucida smiled and finished showing Aizawa what she could do with her quirk.

(Words: 1159 not including this
I kinda lost motivation to write towards the end so it's kinda rushed but I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyway)

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