If you smartasses didn't figure it out, that was my house, if we couldn't find a club to have fun with and smoke as much as we want. we spend it in my "fancy" house. Well I couldn't actually say it's mine, it's my dad's but ya knowww, he's not here. He's a fun killer anyway.

"Here.." I said quietly as I laid Joshua on my bed, he was dead, and his saliva already was running down his mouth, which I found it really disgusting, but heck no I ain't wiping his uncontrolled mouth. I pulled the covers over him and got him comfortable, well I don't know honestly, he was already dead. I squeezed a pillow underneath his head, and I was fully satisfied to go.

Well since that cunt Joshua took over my bed, I'll go mess around in Clark's room and by Clark I mean my biological father that if I had the chance to choose to be an orphan instead, I would. He's the Clark Franta, the biggest businessman in the United States, yes gentlemen, I live under the same roof with him, that if you consider his soul is here, cause as I said before we rarely even meet. We only meet when I get in trouble so he can give me a life lesson that he probably learnt from the radio in the tenth century or something.. He's so pathetic.

Soooo that makes me Luke Franta, call me with my full name and I'll just pick your throat out so I can break my record. Scared yet? Bøø!

I swing the knocker open but the door didn't open, I repeated the process, no it can't be locked, the actual fuck?? He never locked his door!

I searched for the keys in those weird statues he had put on the doorframe, even under the carpet.. Nothing! No keys! Why would he lock the door?

I didn't bother breaking down the door or some shit like that, I'm not that curious about any business shit he's doing anyway. Note to self.

I jumped off my place when I heard the clock ticking its hourly limit, I looked over to it and saw it 2am! Fuck I gotta sleep.

I ran downstairs, literally jumped and took over the sofa, soon enough I was sleeping like a dead puppy.


I was awake.. Without any alarms or anything, I looked over the huge clock that was hung up on the wall across the living room, it was 5am.. Every second is moving like a century.
I decided to do something instead of staring at the four walls I was trapped between. I got up, headed slowly upstairs, since every footstep I took echoed in this huge house like those kind of creepy movies.

I looked over my room.. The door was closed. I don't remember closing the door on Joshua, I got closer leaned my ear against the door seeking for any sound, I was hearing mix sound of both male and female moaning

Oh no you did not.

I harshly pushed the door open which freaked the couple out in complete shock
And by couple I mean, Joshua and some hoe

"For fuck's sake josh!!" I yelled at both of them whom attempted to cover every flesh by the covers thrown around them

"Not on my fucking bed!!" I yelled again losing my temper, I found the girl's clothes and lingerie, drooled over the floor, I picked them apart quickly and threw them once at the brunette. "Get out!!" My voice still on the same tone, maybe even louder, I pointed my index finger over the door for her to get the hell out, she obeyed terrifyingly, she looked over to josh who was enjoying himself then back over to me. she slipped on her clothes and was soon out of the sight.

I was shooting josh death glares and what angered me more is that his face was totally emotionless, no sign of any embarrassment or regretting a fault.

"Get out of my house." Simply and affective, my eyes still not finding a way to get off josh

"Look man.." He sighed pulling his wet hair away from his forehead "don't be like your father" he chuckled sarcastically at the mention of his name.

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